Why banks are ripping off Nigerians… and what we can do about it

I didnt support the ‘Boycott your Bank’ campaign launched by CAFON (Customer Advocacy Forum of Nigeria) during the week because it sounded odd to me. I’ve never heard it before for customers to boycott banks.  Do customers not need the banks more than the banks needed them in our kind of setting? With all the […]

Why banks are ripping off Nigerians… and what we can do about it
Why banks are ripping off Nigerians… and what we can do about it

I didnt support the ‘Boycott your Bank’ campaign launched by CAFON (Customer Advocacy Forum of Nigeria) during the week because it sounded odd to me. I’ve never heard it before for customers to boycott banks.  Do customers not need the banks more than the banks needed them in our kind of setting? With all the new channels by which one can do banking these days, will the banks feel the boycott? Will the customers even listen to CAFON and not go to the bank even if they have to?  Those were my thoughts.
It is important when planning these things, to think deeply and find how we can make serious impact. People can’t boycott banks FOR NOW, because of many challenges;
1.    Someone looking for loan for business, for his rent, or children’s school fees will not boycott the banks for any reason.
2.    Anyone trying to do a foreign transfer for goods, services, school fees or sundry important items will not boycott the banks.
3.    Many transactions are now done online and cash withdrawals via ATMs so you will not see people in the banks except where necessary anyway.
4.    People are broke. Broke people are on permanent boycott of banks already. But anyone who gets sent small money from anywhere and needs to go to the bank, will not join any boycott. Matter of fact, such people form the majority of those who throng banking halls these days (small withdrawals from savings accounts, and small deposits etc). People who have real money in the banks, stopped visiting a long time ago anyway. Only a few cavemen like me, who are resisting this online banking craze, still bother sometimes.
So what was that boycott of banks all about? Was it planned to fail from the beginning?
We need to have a strong case against the banks, and in proceeding, we need to determine exactly how the big ‘ogas’ will feel it.  As expected, many bankers awaited the ‘boycott’ with glee. The guys on the shopfloor in the banks are SUFFERING ALREADY. They get paid peanuts, while the ‘ogas’ cash out dollars in seven figures. It is the ‘ogas’ who need the big charges and this huge spread. Some banks pay graduates N40K per month, and if you’re unlucky, you dont get a promotion for 8 years. People now turn 50 years and are still Bank Officers. In my time as a banker it was never like that; though things deteriorated over time.

Our banks and huge interest spreads
But I bring to you a good reason to protest against the banks. How the protest will be I cannot tell. But PROTEST WE MUST!
In some national newspapers on the 2nd of March, 2016, our banks, in their OFFICIAL RETURNS to their regulator CBN, were bold enough to tell the world how they give their customers 0.5% interest on current accounts, 3% on savings, 5%-7% on Fixed Deposits, but they SLAM the same customers between 26% and 30% on Loans! That is aside from other fees like Loan Setup fees, Legal, Admin, and many others, some of which get charged quarterly or half-yearly!
So the highest a person with fixed deposit for 90 or 180 days can get in any of our banks – even in this season where money is hard to come by – is probably 5% per annum. This means that for N1,000,000 left in the bank for one year, a depositor will receive N50,000 on top, less VAT, leaving about N47,500. But if the same customer turns around and borrows N1,000,000 from another or the same bank, he will have to pay a minimum of 27% and up to 30%, or N270,000 to N300,000, asides from initial and periodic fees. This is wonderfully criminal.
This does not happen anywhere else in the world. I have banking experience in at least four other countries on three continents.  It is unimaginable that banks will be ‘wiping’ customers like this. The joke is on us. Nowhere else in the world would making a spread of 2500 basis points (or 25%) on customers be acceptable. But in Nigeria, our sense of proportion is warped. It is the same reason why in increasing electricity tariffs, the government approved 45%! Not 3%, not 9%. In other places you would hear of 4.5%. Things don’t move in leaps and bounds. But in Nigeria, with our voodooistic mentality, that is the case. Everyone here who manages to hold down a business, wants to ‘hammer’!
The CBN crashed MPR (Monetary Policy Rate) recently, thereby taking excess deposit from banks at 4%, down from 11% or so. The banks crashed their deposit rates in turn, but kept their loan rates at stratospheric levels.  This is the reason this spread widened.  The CBN is not controlling these banks and everyone seems to be doing whatever they like.  Somebody has to keep funding those latest Prado Jeeps, Range Rover Sports/Vogues and other wonderful rides that flood Lagos! Truth is; it has always been this way, but our ogas in the banks should not expect that their racket will continue forever. As all of us are tightening belts, they too should be forced to taper their excesses. Buhari’s era is biting everybody. The big banking bosses cannot expect to largesse forever.
Since CBN under Sanusi forced them to crash COT (Commission on Turnover), some have devised other means of charging customers. Yes, our banks have to survive and I believe they need to charge customers here and there to justify their services.  But they should be careful to make plain their charges, and to ensure those charges are not in excess such as will kill businesses or constitute a major portion of people’s salaries. Even the president needs to get involved in this issue, because for now, it seems as if Nigerians have been left to their own devices and thrown to the dogs of the banking industry. Buhari needs to know that we see him as a father, but all people have seen since his coming is pains and more pains, whether inflicted by the government, or by private sector players like the banks.
For with the wrong rhetoric from government – I mean all the reneging on campaign promises (N5,000), and the public anger government is toying with, what with the 30% real inflation on staple items that the ‘unofficial’ devaluation of the Naira – it just seems our elites are baiting the poor masses. I wouldn’t want to be there the day the people’s anger boils over.
But if we are to protest against the banks, let us forget boycotts. It wouldn’t work. We may try picketing some head offices if we are serious. I’m sure the banks will listen. Nigeria has become an all-man-for-himself kinda country. Only the violent seems to make progress. Terrible, but true.

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