Why Bawa needs our support

One of the most significant rhetoric used by President Buhari before and during his presidency is his distaste for corruption. This was his major selling point in both the 2015 and 2019 elections. But as history, and indeed his 8-year tenure will show us, it takes more than a leader with integrity to rid a […]

Why Bawa needs our support
Why Bawa needs our support

One of the most significant rhetoric used by President Buhari before and during his presidency is his distaste for corruption. This was his major selling point in both the 2015 and 2019 elections. But as history, and indeed his 8-year tenure will show us, it takes more than a leader with integrity to rid a nation of corruption. A strong, independent anti-corruption institution and appropriate legislations will go a longer way in fighting corruption and corrupt people neck for neck.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), although an agency of the federal government, needs to operate with  zero interference from its employer. This is the only way the public perception of the agency to serve as deterrent to those who commit financial crimes will stick.

With 3,785 convictions secured in 2022, the commission performed more than any previous year of its existence, bar 2003, which was the year the commission was formed.  There is a glaring rise in total number of convictions (103 in 2015) since president Buhari took over to the number now (3,785 in 2022), which is his last full year as president.

Imagine what could be done if there were stronger legislations that ensure minimal interference and increased autonomy. Not only would there be an increased number for convictions from the record of 2022, but also a rise in the quality and gravity of these convictions.

Jihadi Daddy

On selfishness as a 21st Century ‘virtue’

It is with great pleasure and renewed hope for the war against corruption that I (and all well-meaning Nigerians) welcome the bill being considered by the Senate, which seeks to amend the EFCC Act by limiting the powers of the president to sack the EFCC chairman, by subjecting the decision to confirmation by the Senate. This way, the security of the chairman’s tenure is guaranteed (somewhat). This will no doubt make it less convenient for the executive to terminate the appointment of a chairman and to ensure stability and consistency.

For example, the recent distractions and murmurs from seemingly selfish quarters, calling for the removal of EFCC’s chairman would die naturally with this bill being signed into law.

This bill is a step in the right direction. Additional funding, expansion of jurisdictions and branches, as against just zonal commands, would also go a long way.

The autonomy of the EFCC will have a positive ripple effect. A truly independent EFCC will reverberate across the nation, thereby increasing the national corruption perception positively.

More importantly, inter-agency collaboration to fight cross-border money laundering would improve, which would in turn lead to an improved score for the country in the global corruption perception index. This rating is used by investors and other countries that intend to trade with Nigeria, to determine their risk appetite to transact with Nigeria.

Will this bill see the light of the day, and soon? Your guess is as good as mine. But for now, political leeches should keep their hands off the professionals at the EFCC, particularly its chairman, Abdulrasheed Bawa.


Aminu Yusuf wrote from

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