‘Why Buni ordered salary harmonisation’

A chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Alhaji Balarabe Abdullahi, yesterday explained that Yobe State government did not slash any workers’ salaries in the State as being speculated in various quarters, saying it only harmonised salaries of some politicians. Abdullahi, in clarification,  noted that over-bloated salaries of local government staff in the state had […]

‘Why Buni ordered salary harmonisation’

Gov Mai Mala Buni

A chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Alhaji Balarabe Abdullahi, yesterday explained that Yobe State government did not slash any workers’ salaries in the State as being speculated in various quarters, saying it only harmonised salaries of some politicians.

Abdullahi, in clarification,  noted that over-bloated salaries of local government staff in the state had forced the governor to call for a crucial meeting with the Local government chairmen where the decision to overhaul and harmonise their entitlements and to properly place the staff based on their qualifications.

The Philanthropist attributed the reports flying around that governor Buni slashed workers’ salaries to the handiwork of ‘vested interests’ in the state, who hell-bent to involve in the mismanagement and outright siphoning of the Local government resources.

He said, ‘’The governor did not reduce any worker’s salary let alone give any directives to that effect. He had to intervene given the huge funds being diverted to service salaries at local government areas.

“Aside the fact that certain so-called stakeholders had bloated staff lists of local governments with their wives, relations and kids who most times don’t even live in the state let alone work in the Local Government Areas of the state, we have the issue of those who without requisite qualifications.

He called on Gov Buni not to be deterred on his quest to do the right thing, noting that those spreading the misinformation that he had reduced salaries were deliberately doing so to pitch him against the people so that they will continue to fester on public funds and deny people the chance to improve their livelihood.