Why ChatGPT’s stories are boring and one way to fix it (III)

You might have already guessed that this story also lacks the important element that makes stories sticky. But what is this crucial element?…

Why ChatGPT’s stories are boring and one way to fix it (III)


You might have already guessed that this story also lacks the important element that makes stories sticky. But what is this crucial element?

An obstacle. In a good story, as in real in life, no character achieves his or her goal at the first attempt. The first three stories gave us narratives with weak or no obstacles. It’s the reason those stories are not relatable.

So what should we do if we want the machines to help us write better stories?  We need to go back to the prompt and edit it to reflect our specific instructions. So here’s the new prompt:

“Write a feel-good story about tree planting. In doing that, give the main character a big obstacle. Also, make the character struggle to resolve the obstacle.”

Below is the improved version of the story it produced:

Once upon a time, in the vibrant town of Evergreen Valley, there lived a young and ambitious woman named Lily. She had always been passionate about the environment and dreamed of making a positive impact on the world. Her heart longed to see a greener and more sustainable future, where nature thrived and communities flourished. Inspired by her passion, Lily decided to dedicate herself to the noble task of tree planting.

With unwavering determination, Lily embarked on her mission, organizing tree planting drives in her town. She gathered volunteers, solicited donations, and reached out to local authorities to secure permits for planting trees in public spaces. The community embraced her cause, and together, they planted countless saplings, bringing renewed life and vitality to their beloved valley.

However, just as Lily’s tree planting efforts were gaining momentum, a formidable obstacle loomed on the horizon. A severe drought had struck Evergreen Valley, threatening the survival of the newly planted trees. The absence of rainfall and scorching sunrays made it increasingly challenging for the saplings to grow and thrive.

Lily was devastated. She had poured her heart and soul into this project, only to face the harsh reality of Mother Nature’s unpredictable ways. Frustration and despair washed over her, but she refused to give up. Instead, she resolved to find a solution, to find a way to overcome this monumental hurdle.

With determination in her eyes and a glimmer of hope in her heart, Lily turned to local experts, seeking their guidance. She attended workshops and seminars, learning about water conservation, irrigation techniques, and the resilience of different tree species. Lily reached out to farmers who had expertise in dealing with drought conditions, seeking their advice on nurturing trees during adverse weather.

Equipped with newfound knowledge, Lily gathered her team of dedicated volunteers and set out on a new mission. They devised innovative irrigation methods, including rainwater harvesting systems and drip irrigation, to ensure the trees received the necessary water despite the scarce resources. They designed protective shelters to shield the saplings from the relentless sun, allowing them to thrive in the harsh climate.

Day by day, Lily and her team toiled tirelessly, tending to the trees with care and unwavering determination. They dug trenches, collected rainwater, and monitored the growth of each sapling. Their hard work began to bear fruit as the once struggling trees started to regain strength, displaying vibrant green leaves and reaching for the sky.

News of Lily’s resilience and determination spread throughout Evergreen Valley, inspiring others to join her cause. Farmers, local businesses, and community members rallied together, bringing their unique skills and resources to support the tree planting initiative. They donated rain barrels, provided financial assistance, and organized fundraisers to further the cause of a greener tomorrow.

The drought eventually subsided, and as rain once again graced Evergreen Valley, the trees that had once fought for survival now stood tall and proud, their branches stretching out in gratitude. The town was transformed into a lush, green paradise, bustling with life and brimming with gratitude for Lily’s unwavering spirit.

Lily’s struggle had not only overcome the obstacle of the drought but had also ignited a spark within the community. The tree planting initiative continued to thrive, expanding to neighboring towns and inspiring countless others to take action in their own communities. Lily’s resilience had kindled a movement that would leave an indelible mark on the world.

And so, in the face of adversity, Lily’s unwavering determination and the support of her community triumphed. Their love for nature and their collective effort had not only planted trees but also sowed the seeds of change, ensuring a brighter and greener future for generations to come.