Why Gov Sule should reassess his trajectory

The business of governance, especially in a democratic set-up such as ours, requires a firm leader who is always ready to take decisions and also ready to accept such decisions no matter whether they are right or wrong. A political leader, who is truly worth his salt, should not be seen as having a problem […]

Why Gov Sule should reassess his trajectory

Engineer Abdullahi Sule, Nasarawa State Governor

The business of governance, especially in a democratic set-up such as ours, requires a firm leader who is always ready to take decisions and also ready to accept such decisions no matter whether they are right or wrong.

A political leader, who is truly worth his salt, should not be seen as having a problem in taking decisions. In our type of democracy, it has become evident that decisions are more often taken to satisfy certain political interests.

‘Political interest’ is what  politicians term as ‘political exigencies’ and this ‘political exigency’ is what politicians all over the world often employ to support an action or inaction of governance in their various spheres of influence.

To be honest, any politician worth his salt must employ these political exigencies if he really wants to survive politically. In fact, political exigencies or to put it more bluntly, “exigent circumstances” are often considered to be more emergent and critical enough to override one’s normal free will and moral decision-making.

Since Engr Abdullahi Sule assumed office in May 2019, the business of governance is being conducted in total contravention of the kernel of western democracy as political interests and political exigencies have been pushed to the back burner.  And this is not only dangerous but disastrous to the well-being and progress of his administration.

One will notice that his government is always having difficulty in taking decisions and finally when such decisions are taken, you will discover that the decisions are devoid of political interest/exigencies; that perhaps are the more reasons why the government of Engr Sule is always opting for setting up of committees.  All these are clear signs of not only losing focus and direction but a resounding manifestation of abdication of responsibilities.

Political consideration must not be downplayed in the business of governance if really and truly we care about the continued existence of not only the political party in power in the state but our survival as actors in this enterprise.

We are not in effect saying merit and due process should not be followed in the business of governance in the state but we should always have it at the back of our minds that the government’s survival depends largely on how we play our cards in the political amphitheater.

Some political appointments made were not guided by political considerations as a large percentage of those occupying political positions now are people that have contributed little or nothing to his movement to Shendam Road Government House.

Apart from political appointments, there are other issues also where Engr Sule either deliberately closed his eyes or has inadvertently been advised to ignore political considerations in taking decisions on those issues.

Government, some analysts say, is also lacking in public relations and is daily distancing itself from the people.

When Senator Abdullahi Adamu, during a reception organised to honour the present SSG, Barr Aliyu Muhammad Ubandoma, some weeks ago, urged Gov. Sule to ‘shine his eyes’ many people were oblivious of the central message passed.

There are indeed many things that are going on under Gov Sule’s administration for which he needs to shine his eyes. It is not late for him to sit down and reassess his trajectory and mug up to become truly a politician who masters the basic ‘ABC’ of politics.

Certainly, in the end, history will forgive you for making wrong decisions but it will surely not forgive you for not taking any decision.

Rayyanu Bala, Lafia, Nasarawa State.