Why house hunting is considered best during rainy season

When house hunting or wanting to buy a property in this part of the world, the rainy season is considered the best period to start scouting for a place to call home or a property to own. Just as the late legendary singer, Fela Anikulapo said in his song, ‘water e no get enemy’, the rainy […]

Why house hunting is considered best during rainy season

School half submerged in floodwaters in Bayelsa

When house hunting or wanting to buy a property in this part of the world, the rainy season is considered the best period to start scouting for a place to call home or a property to own.

Just as the late legendary singer, Fela Anikulapo said in his song, ‘water e no get enemy’, the rainy season will expose or give more insight about the property you are intending to settle for which might not be visible during the dry season.

Below are reasons why it is wiser to search for property in Nigeria during the rainy season.

  • Structural defect

Searching for a house during the rainy season will help prospective buyers/renters expose certain structural defects. During this period, the buyer will be able to closely inspect the quality of construction of the house he is planning to invest in, the buyer will be able to confirm if the roof leaks or not. The person will also be able to inspect the ceiling to see wet patches etc., this can only be done during the rainy season.

  • Quality of building materials

Most buildings tend to stand strong during the dry season as opposed to the rainy season. Some of these buildings collapse after heavy rainfall due to the kind of materials used for their construction. It is adviseable that buyers have a look at such structures after rainfall to see if they stick to the quality they admire. Pay close attention to the electrical pillar, the doors, windows, and painting after rainfall before investing money in the wrong place.

  • Drainage system

This is another important aspect to look out for when planning to invest in a property either for rent or complete ownership. The drainage system of the house you are planning to call home as well as the community in which the house is located is of great importance. The buyer is expected to pay close attention to the gutters, roads, water channels etc. and how the downpour dries off after every rainfall.

This the prospective buyer can do by paying close attention to the level of flood after it rains, the drainage system in the house and the reach of the flood surrounding the house by checking the foot of the wall.

  • Traffic situation during the rainy season

Also, another factor to look out for is the traffic situation in the area during the rainy season; does the rain often lead to heavy traffic jams or trash in front of the house? Buyers are advised to avoid investing in houses situated in slopy areas because the level of the flood there might be higher and hard to control. Heavy flooding around the house can lead to the destruction of lives and properties.

  • Electricity supply

It seems to have become a norm in Nigeria for there to be a power outage whenever it rains. However, there have been improvements recently in this aspect. But there are some areas that spend days without electricity supply once it is the rainy season due to the effect of wind or downpour. Prospective house hunters ought to put this into consideration as well.