Why human rights protection is important to Africa – African Court
The importance of human rights protection will help foster democratic governance and promote rule of law on the African continent, experts have said. These were part of declarations made at the opening ceremony for journalists attending the media training and 5th Judicial Dialogue of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Dar Es […]

African Court
The importance of human rights protection will help foster democratic governance and promote rule of law on the African continent, experts have said.
These were part of declarations made at the opening ceremony for journalists attending the media training and 5th Judicial Dialogue of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania last week.
The Policy and Programme Manager, Democratic Governance and Human Rights of the EU Delegation to the AU, Alban Biaussat, expressed the determination of the EU towards promoting human rights systems and the African Governance Architecture (AGA).
In her address, the President of the Court, Justice Imani D. Aboud, who was represented by a judge of the court, Lady Justice Tujilane Chizumila, harped on the need for regular reporting of the court’s activities to enhance public awareness about the court and confidence in its adjudication.
“Whether for litigants to bring cases, for counsel to defend litigants, for academics or other knowledgeable institutions to act as amici curiae, for states to implement decisions or for regional organs to supervise the enforcement of the court’s proceedings, an important lesson learnt in the area of strategic or public interest human rights litigation is that the media are critical before, during and after any successful justice process depending on how the stories are cast, presented, told and communicated,” she said.
The Head of German Development Agency (GIZ), Ms Sophia Gallina, said the event was aimed at implementing programme to strengthen good governance and human rights in Africa.
She tasked African journalists to report on human rights issues to enable citizens to have knowledge of the rule of law or existing redress mechanisms for human rights violations and abuses.
“Informed and focused publicity on the work of the African Court will go a long way in ensuring its independence and enhancing the implementation of its judgements at all levels,” she said.