‘Why I left pharmacy for agriculture’

Meet pharmacist Samaila Adamu Burga, one of the few Nigerian medical professionals that left their profession to embrace agriculture, “to address a point” that you can make millions in agriculture. In a recent meeting in Abuja, he explained how the wife, who is a medical doctor in Abuja, was initially saddened by his decision to […]

‘Why I left pharmacy for agriculture’

A cassava farm

Meet pharmacist Samaila Adamu Burga, one of the few Nigerian medical professionals that left their profession to embrace agriculture, “to address a point” that you can make millions in agriculture.

In a recent meeting in Abuja, he explained how the wife, who is a medical doctor in Abuja, was initially saddened by his decision to abandoned pharmacy for agriculture.

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“When I was going into agriculture, she was crying.

“But after five years in agriculture, I asked her should I go back to pharmacy and she said ‘no please stay there,’’ he said.

Today, his farms worth millions, in Bauchi and Plateau states producing different crops in more than 500 hectares of land; also doing maize at 10-12 metric tonnes per hectare.

His story is a tale of a man who left his comfort zone to begin a life-changing enterprise in agriculture that he can bequeath his future generations.

When he graduated from the University, he was receiving job offers wherever he goes.

“But at a point, I think after 10-12 years in I resigned and moved into agriculture,” he said.

“Today, at least I cultivate not less than 500 hectares of different crops between Bauchi and Plateau states.

“Before I used to go to Taraba State as well but because of turbulence here and there, I left,” he said.

The farmer is now receiving request for the supply of 10,000 metric tonnes of red maize from one of the companies based in Jos.

Pharmacist Burga who is today the Bauchi State Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development admonish youths to stop focusing on white collar jobs that are difficult to get and look at areas with huge potential for money-making.