Why I want to break grounds in ethnomedical research — Osondu

Ike Sunday Osondu is a young man, a graduate of microbiology whose quest to break a new ground pushed him to study Igbo at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra State. After graduating from Geoffery Okoye University Enugu State with second class upper, he decided to do his postgraduate and masters in Igbo, specialising in herbal […]

Why I want to break grounds in ethnomedical research — Osondu

Ike Sunday Osondu is a young man, a graduate of microbiology whose quest to break a new ground pushed him to study Igbo at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra State.

After graduating from Geoffery Okoye University Enugu State with second class upper, he decided to do his postgraduate and masters in Igbo, specialising in herbal medicine at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra State. 

 He went for Igbo African Ancient studies and chose the research on the topic “Towards the Healing of Prostate Cancer among the Igbo and Ethno Medical Approach”.

He moved from known to unknown with the intention to assist in the treatment of sickness using herbs and roots.

According to him, when he gained admission to further his dream course at Unizik, his supervisor, Prof. Anedo, Alfred Alex Onukwube, advised him to go into the area, since he studied microbiology at his first degree. 

He also stated that his flair for Igbo study was an important move that drives him into the study.

He said he had written many books on Igbo and culture.

 “My supervisor said to me that ethno medical area, the traditional way of healing sickness was new ground I should venture into. With my microbiology background, it will help me to research on most of the herbs and roots for medical treatment of sickness in Nigeria.” 

He stated that because the area was unknown in the Igbo department, he faced serious challenges of finishing his master’s degree within the limited time.

“In a course that was supposed to last for two years, I spent seven years due to my determination and my supervisor, Alfred Alex Onukwube, a professor in anthropology specializing in Sino/Afro Cultures stood his ground saying that I must continue.”

“Some other lecturers in the department wanted to frustrate the study, but God was on my side, so, I was able to overcome it. I had to write to the school management, before they could allow me to defend my thesis at the faulty level. I had earlier defended my thesis at the department but at the faulty, they now thought I would scale through and decided to ask me to change topic, but my supervisor said no.  The school management was mad at their attempt to frustrate the study and encouraged me to further the study, describing the topic as a good one.”

“The school authority said the topic was sound research and asked me to go ahead and defend it, which was a success,” he said.

According to him, those lecturers, who were against the research later expressed regret and now I have bought a form to continue with my PhD in the study.

He said at his PhD, he would like to expand the scope not limiting to prostate cancer healing but other ailments.

He also disclosed that during his research, he was able meet many traditional healers and learnt a lot, noting that it is possible to do great work in the field.

He said the delay in finishing his masters really affected him both economically and emotionally.

“I nearly dropped the studies because it was getting hard on me, but my supervisor continued to encourage me and also my determination to make a difference led me to the success I recorded today. I am grateful to my supervisor for his encouragement and support. Today, God has proved me right, that the topic is good and researchable,” he said.

Speaking to our correspondent, Prof. Anedo said the area of research was of great importance to the nation’s health sector.

According to him, with the Osondu’s background in microbiology, it will be of great area of interest to Nigerians.

“I am seeing a potential in him making a breakthrough in the field and he is likely to be the first professor in the field. I will give him every support in his research work,” he said.