Why I’m interested in 33 years vacant Long Kwo throne – Bawa

Miskoom Larry Peters Bawa is a contestant for the Long Kwo throne in Kwo Chiefdom, Kwande District of Qua’an-Pan Local Government Area, Plateau State. Since the demise of the last king, Miskoom Hoomkwap Sule II, 33 years ago, the stool has remained vacant due to leadership tussle and infighting among the ruling families. The crises […]

Why I’m interested in 33 years vacant Long Kwo throne – Bawa

Miskoom Larry Peters Bawa

Miskoom Larry Peters Bawa is a contestant for the Long Kwo throne in Kwo Chiefdom, Kwande District of Qua’an-Pan Local Government Area, Plateau State. Since the demise of the last king, Miskoom Hoomkwap Sule II, 33 years ago, the stool has remained vacant due to leadership tussle and infighting among the ruling families. The crises have been put to rest however, and a new king will soon be selected from interested members of the royal families. In this interview, Bawa explained that it was an abomination for the traditional stool to have remained vacant all these years, while explaining why he is still interested in the stool.


What is the traditional status of the Long Kwo?

Kwo Chiefdom was upgraded from its Kwande District status and accorded a 3rd Chief Status of Long Kwo on April 3, 1981 by the first Executive Governor of Plateau State, Chief Solomon Lar. It was later upgraded to 2nd Class Status by Governor Simon Lalong. The Chiefdom – a district in Qua’an-Pan Local Government Area of Plateau State, is one of the most notable agrarian areas where the people are known to be hardworking, productive and are predominately farmers. However, the Kwo Chiefdom leadership crisis has since plunged the community into social-culture redundancy due to lack of traditional leadership in the past 33 years.

Recall however that the Supreme Court had cleared all doubts on the leadership tussle and the town is now on the verge of restoring its lost glory, since the mantle of leadership will soon be restored. The election date to select a new king is drawing nearer.

So, I can say there is currently light at the end of the tunnel with the recent interest and pronouncement of the Plateau State Government towards an amicable resolution to the crises surrounding the throne. The government’s pronouncement has opened a floodgate of contestants; as many as about 17 princes from the four ruling houses of Mpoema, Lakwaram, Kaskang and Nuku, of Kwararafa Kingdom. These princes have so far indicated their interests to become the 27th Long Kwo.

Since the demise of the last king, Miskoom Hoomkwap Sule II, 33 years ago, the stool has remained vacant due to leadership tussle among the ruling families. What do you feel about the crises all these years?

To say I have been very upset with the crises and all the episodes is still an understatement. I couldn’t have really imagined that Kwo Chiefdom will be without a ruler for 33 Years. For me, I will rather say it is an abomination and our forefathers, wherever they are today, will be very sad with what is currently playing out. Of course, this is not the norms and values they bequeathed on us.

I feel ashamed that our community (Kwo) has deteriorated and has since been drawn back due to the leadership tussle over these years. Imagine the development and government supports that the Kwo community would have enjoyed if there was a ruler all these years.

You are contesting the stool of Long Kwo with many other princes who are also illustrious sons of your chiefdom and have distinguished themselves in their chosen careers also. Why do you think you stand a chance of being selected from among them?

The people of Kwo are yearning for a true and charismatic leader, which is an attribute of my personality. Over the years, I have worked with my people and understand their pains and sufferings. I am very qualified, and I have made a lot of impacts and wide consultations with Kwo religious leaders, the youths, private bodies/sectors and other relevant stakeholders who see me as competent.

There is no way positive development will be actualized in any society or part of the world without leadership. And I am a capable leader that can restore the fortunes of the Kwo Chiefdom. To have been without a leader for 33 years, we must have lost a lot already, and it is imperative to recover the lost time.

If you are privileged to be selected the Long Kwo by the kingmakers, what should the people of the Chiefdom and the Plateau people at large expect from you?

There are many things I will do. A blueprint will be designed and implementation of the developmental projects within various areas of jurisdiction will be my primary focus, however. My goals will revolve round education, agricultural development, and I will attract funding and support from donor agencies through grants and donations to all the communities within the Kwo Chiefdom.

In addition, provision of infrastructure to enhance the standard of living within the Kwo communities will be my target too. Again, I will initiate partnership with top personalities for developmental projects and secure the support of both internal and external development agents for the execution of these projects.

The Kwo Chiefdom and the entire Qua’an Pan Local Government Area is an agrarian rural area, as you earlier pointed out. How do you intend to bring to bear your experience in the private sector to impact or boost the occupational peculiarity of your place?

The plan is to ensure that the people are well trained and equipped with the relevant skills to upgrade them. After a careful analysis, I will stimulate modern day mechanized farming through partnership with foreign/international, federal, state and the local governments with focus on funding drive. Plants, machineries and seedlings will be sourced for mechanized farming alongside professional farmers. I will also concentrate on organizing seminars and practical sessions to enlighten the people on the best farming practices. This I am sure will bring about job opportunities and increase productivity, thereby making the Kwo communities economically viable and self-sustaining.

What is your advice to your co-contestants as well as the king makers as the time for the selection draws nearer?

I strongly believe that all the contestants should have genuine concerns regarding the development of Kwo Chiefdom at heart. And as such, there should be the need for whoever emerges as Long Kwo to be accepted by all contestants who should join forces with the declared ruler to move the nation forward. This, in the nearest future, will bring about lasting and sustainable development to our communities.

It is in the light of the aforementioned, I humbly seek the help of my people in laying the foundation of rebuilding Kwo by supporting my ambition with a view to actualizing our united dreams.

What is your appeal to the Plateau State Government for breaking the jinx to live up to its promise that all vacant traditional stools should be occupied in the state?

I want to sincerely thank Governor Simon Lalong and the Plateau State Government for their effort in putting the framework in place for a smooth transition. I also appeal to the state government to kindly fast track the electoral process and to create an enabling environment for the people of Kwo to elect a ruler for the Kwo Chiefdom accordingly.

It is worth mentioning at this point that the Kwo communities are peace loving people, and that is why we have been able to carry on for 33 years without a ruler, despite the crises.

Today, some of our cultural values have been thrown over board and we believe it would be reawakened for a new dawn under the new king.


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