Why is Bobrisky getting away with it?

A common belief among Nigerians is that only football unites us. In other words, whenever Nigeria is playing with another country, a strong sense of unity arises among us which transcends the boundaries of tribe, region and religion. At such times majority of our country-men stand united, either cheering or offering prayers or doing both. Army […]

Why is Bobrisky getting away with it?

A common belief among Nigerians is that only football unites us. In other words, whenever Nigeria is playing with another country, a strong sense of unity arises among us which transcends the boundaries of tribe, region and religion.

At such times majority of our country-men stand united, either cheering or offering prayers or doing both.

But a few years ago, we found out that something else does unite us apart from our passion for sports. When our lawmakers, in the 8th National Assembly, rejected the same-sex marriage bill and all other manifestations of homosexuality, most Nigerians applauded them. In unity we sang their praises and cheered them on.

We proved to the world that though ours is supposedly a secular nation, we are a religious people. Our stand only confirmed what was said to be the result of an international survey carried out a few years earlier. The survey showed that Nigerians are the most religious people on earth, having more church and mosque goers than any other country in the world.

Though this does not mean that we are the most spiritually sound, (don’t we have all kinds of dishonest and criminally-minded folks amongst us?) but when it comes to practical religion, we are said to be second to none.  And so we stood behind our lawmakers as they struck a deadly blow to that obnoxious bill, which sought to give that abhorrent lifestyle a legal residence in our land.

Members of the David Mark-led senate became something akin to heroes in our eyes when, in addition to rejecting the same-sex bill, they also ignored the threat by the British prime minister David Cameron, that they would stop all aid to Nigeria, if we choose to outlaw that unnatural and sinful lifestyle.

However, a few years after this heroic achievement, one odd character named Bobrisky made his debut on the Nigerian scene.

Originally an instagram personality, whom I didn’t know because I wasn’t and I’m still not yet on instagram, this self-confessed gay person now makes news daily through the many soft-sell online publications around. Whether one wants to or not, one ends up seeing Bobrisky’s totally-bleached, heavily made-up face, in news notifications, whenever we put on our phones.

If the pervert is not causing a stir in lady’s rest rooms because he claims he’s a female, he’s comparing his artificial body to women’s natural forms and passing derogatory remarks on real females. People who know him (or her, as some people refer to him) on instagram say he often refered to a boyfriend he calls ‘The minister’.

No doubt about it, Bobrisky is flaunting his unnaturally sinful way of life without our authorities raising an eyebrow against it. And the question is: why? Why is this guy getting away with what is punishable under Nigerian laws. What happened to the commendable and courageous effort of the last National Assembly, that people like Bobrisky are allowed to exist in spite of it? Why is the current National Assembly not seeking to enforce the law when an irritant like Bobrisky is breaking it at will?

The danger in turning a blind eye to what this fool is doing, is that other young people will easily begin to copy him. In a country where jobs are hard to come by and poverty is rampant, a sinner like Bobrisky who flaunts a lavish and luxurious lifestyle can easily be made a role model.

When he celebrated his birthday last month, he sent out a video showing a bag full of money in all kinds of currencies, that his party guests  had ‘sprayed’ on him when he danced. Then two days ago, he announced his intention to buy a house worth hundreds of millions of Naira.

Now, why won’t such a personality get followers when it seems like he had struck a gold mine? Already another guy has emerged in the same Lagos State, who is competing with Bobrisky in his cross-dressing and abominable ways. We can’t get afford to let this kind of people increase and prosper.

What they lead is a dangerous and dirty lifestyle. Over twenty years ago I watched an interview American talk show host, Sally Jessy Raphael, did with a ex-gay man. He claimed he had repented, reformed and married a female. But he disclosed that being a homosexual was the most promiscuous lifestyle around.

He said in the few years he had indulged in it, he had no less than 400 sexual partners. Now imagine what this means in terms of sexually transmitted diseases and their spread.

For all intents and purposes it’s time our government does something about Bobrisky and his like. The law that criminalised homosexuality and same-sex marriages must be invoked and applied to Bobrisky the pervert.

This will surely discourage the young people calling him an instagram sensation from emulating him.