Why it is vital for Shiites to keep Salafists out of their dilemma!

Daarul Hadeethis Salafiyyah, Zaria observed with dismay another flagrant lie by the Shiites against the Salafists in Zaria on the recent clash between them and the adherents of the Dariqa creed in Gabari, a suburb of Zaria. The Governor of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir el-Rufa’I, in his state-wide speech gave a detailed description of exactly […]

Why it is vital for Shiites to keep Salafists out of their dilemma!

Daarul Hadeethis Salafiyyah, Zaria observed with dismay another flagrant lie by the Shiites against the Salafists in Zaria on the recent clash between them and the adherents of the Dariqa creed in Gabari, a suburb of Zaria.
The Governor of Kaduna State, Malam Nasir el-Rufa’I, in his state-wide speech gave a detailed description of exactly what happened between the Shiite and the Dariqa sect that claimed some lives. To our surprise, the Shiites on page 12 of Daily Trust Newspaper of December 21, 2015 once again linked the killing of four of their sect members to the Salafists who are completely unaware of the incident at Gabari.
However, our astonishment is not grave as this is not the first time the Shiites would lie against the Salafists in Zaria, as well as attempted to find a window in order to clash with the Salafists.
On the day they celebrated their Arba’in in Zaria, they came directly opposite Daarul Hadeethis Salafiyyah, Zaria, our school, pretending to be easing themselves on our land. Obviously, it was an attempt to draw a reaction from us, which may lead to violence. Contrary to their expectations and for the fact that the Salafists regard the teachings of Islam as way out of any problem, I quickly alerted the Zaria Area Command of the Nigeria Police Force.
The incident of the killings in Gabari came shortly after that episode. Then how can the Salafists, who reported to the Nigeria Police what the Shiites were doing on their land, kill them?
It is also very important to categorically re-echo what Kaduna State governor has said that the mosque at Gabari does not belong to the Salafists, but rather it is a mosque that belongs to the Dariqa creed followers.
There was also a time that the Shiites attacked the convoy of the Emir of Zazzau, which led to serious fracas between them and the Emirate Council, a foreign media outfit under the influence of the Shiite reported that there was a clash between the Salafists and the Shiites in Zaria. The question we keep asking is; why do the Shiites always want to involve us in their affairs?  
My readers would recall that the very week that our teacher, Sheikh Muhammad Awwal Adam Albaniy, was assassinated, Zakzaky came out openly in the media to deceitfully say that the students of Sheikh Albaniy knew those that killed him. Zakzaky also said that he knew the murderers. 
We consider that statement as an attempt to make our blood boil and engage in clash with the authorities. Our silence on many issues should not be interpreted as weakness. We are a peaceful group that adheres strictly to the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Our Prophet (SAW) said in a tradition reported by Bukhariy, Muslim, Abu Dawood and Ahmad: “Never wish for a conflict between you and your enemies but rather seek for Allah’s wellbeing.”
The Shiites believed that they are well prepared and are therefore always hunt for trouble with their perceived enemies, but Allah in His infinite mercy is doing justice to all of us.
We are also appealing to both state and federal governments to kindly on our behalf ask Zakzaky, since he is now with them, who are the killers of our late teacher, Sheikh Albaniy. Zakzaky claims to know them and we are desperate to know the killers for justice to take its course.
Dr.  Abdurrafii Abdulganiyyi, Daarul Hadeethis Salafiyyah, Zaria