‘Why life style medicine should be foundation of healthcare’

There is need to make  lifestyle medicine the foundation of healthcare in Nigeria, experts from the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria (SOLONg) have said. Lifestyle medicine is a branch of evidence-based medicine that employs healthy practices such as nutrition (whole food and plant-based) regular physical activity/exercise, adequate night time restorative sleep, proper management of […]

‘Why life style medicine should be foundation of healthcare’
‘Why life style medicine should be foundation of healthcare’

There is need to make  lifestyle medicine the foundation of healthcare in Nigeria, experts from the Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria (SOLONg) have said.

Lifestyle medicine is a branch of evidence-based medicine that employs healthy practices such as nutrition (whole food and plant-based) regular physical activity/exercise, adequate night time restorative sleep, proper management of everyday stress, rest and relaxation, avoiding  the use of tobacco and other harmful substances. Others are social support and connectedness, reduction in environmental toxins and pollutants to prevent and  treat chronic lifestyle-related diseases by addressing underlying root causes.

The society in a communiqué signed by the President, Dr Ifeoma Monye and the General Secretary, Dr Mimi Osanwoyi said all medical professionals in the health sector should adopt the use of therapeutic lifestyle interventions in the primary treatment of lifestyle-related diseases, adding that “Therapeutic lifestyle interventions are vital in addressing the root cause of diseases rather than the conventional way of managing symptoms.”

The communiqué  was issued after the society’s second international lifestyle medicine conference and first International Board Certification Examination on lifestyle medicine in Abuja. The theme of the conference was ‘Lifestyle Medicine: Revolutionizing the Management of Chronic Diseases in the 21st Century’.

The experts also said there was need for government  at all levels and other stakeholders to pay attention to the incessant pollution of the country’s  water bodies with dangerous items such as plastics to reduce environmental pollution. They also called for the inclusion of lifestyle medicine in all national day programs and activities in public and private institutions.

SOLONg also called on government and relevant educational regulatory bodies to include lifestyle medicine modules in undergraduate and post-graduate study programs in health. Clinicians should also engage in continuing lifestyle medicine training programs, the society advised.

While calling on government at all levels to prioritize construction of pedestrian sidewalks, tracks and pavements dedicated wholly to walking and cycling to promote physical activity, the society also called for recreational parks in all major cities in Nigeria. Access to stadiums, parks, gyms and other facilities that promote physical activity should be free of charge, the experts added.

The society urged government at all levels to support research on lifestyle medicine to provide statistics on its efficacy and foster lifestyle changes among Nigerians.