Why Nigerian kids should play cricket- Adegbola

The Cricketer who made this known to Fever Pitch during a chat at the Abuja National Stadium said the game helps children build their character.“Cricket teaches the ability to take on responsibilities while also helping the cricketers to improve their self-esteem. What we have in cricket is the gentlemen, jesters and gypsy. So, as a […]

Why Nigerian kids should play cricket- Adegbola
Why Nigerian kids should play cricket- Adegbola

The Cricketer who made this known to Fever Pitch during a chat at the Abuja National Stadium said the game helps children build their character.
“Cricket teaches the ability to take on responsibilities while also helping the cricketers to improve their self-esteem. What we have in cricket is the gentlemen, jesters and gypsy. So, as a kid, you can decide what you really want because the gypsy and jesters only play cricket for fun but as a “gentleman”, you are a complete cricketer. Cricket is a tradition for us, I have learnt from it and it has kept me this far,” he noted.
Adegbola who is now the Nigerian Cricket Federation’s Regional Developmental Officer for North-Central said his responsibility was to ensure that more players take to the game.
 “My main function is to take cricket to the next level by improving the game in the grassroots level and also bringing competitive cricket back to the school. It also involves getting the State Associations more involved in the organization of cricket activities,” he added.