Why parents should invest in their children

Parents are required to lay the foundation for any responsible adult. The training they give to their children determines what they become in future. Education and proper parenting is said to be the only things parents owe their children.  Mosurat (Not real name) narrates her ordeal. “I am the first of five siblings and have […]

Why parents should invest in their children

Parents are required to lay the foundation for any responsible adult. The training they give to their children determines what they become in future. Education and proper parenting is said to be the only things parents owe their children. 

Mosurat (Not real name) narrates her ordeal. “I am the first of five siblings and have sponsored my education since my junior secondary school by helping my mum sell things before going to school. I am in my final year in the university and neither my siblings nor I have had any form of assistance from our father. To my surprise, he called a family meeting and told us how disappointed he was in us. He compared us with families that have produced lawyers, doctors etc. What annoyed me was that he compared us with a family that everyone knows their wealth is from illegal means. As my father, I really don’t have much to say to him but I am really pained.”

Hasiya Ahmed, 39-year-old lawyer, says, “If I were her, I would ignore him and not allow it bother me. Every responsible parent invests in the future of their children through education. If he had, he would not be complaining or even comparing them with other children. Moreover, he has no moral right to compare or complain. I would advise her to continue to be focused in life as she has been and not lose focus over her father’s actions or comments.”

Evelyn Daniel, 40-year-old consultant, advices her to face her education. “He is her father and it is an onus for her to respect him not matter what. But in this situation, she should not be pushed to the wall to respond to her father negatively. We are all humans and bound to be pained by some of the things people say to us especially if it’s from loved ones. I would want her to count her blessings. Even though he has not contributed in any way to her education and that of her siblings, God has helped her progress in life. She should focus on herself, her siblings and her mother. With time, her father would realize his mistakes and thank God for giving him children that did not take the path of the negative things of this world. Everything will turn out fine at the end of the day.”

Amina Khalil, 39-year-old engineer, says, “I am an advocate of never use another person’s progress to determine or measure yours. The father in question should start living up to his responsibilities and stop pushing blame to his children. He should be thankful that they didn’t become wayward but chose the right path to legitimate means of living. This should also serve as a wakeup call to parents, if we want to lay on a bed of roses, we should and must start sowing the good seed by investing in the education of our children. Don’t forget: what goes around comes around.”  

Tony Efetu, 38-year-old biologist, says, “The most important thing for now is how to make her mother and siblings proud. I keep telling people that parents who don’t invest in the education or welfare of their children have no business requesting their care when they turn out to be something in life. I will advise she moves on and guide her siblings unto the right path.”

Aisha Mohammed, 40-year-old civil servant, says, “It is sad when people who are supposed to take charge of certain things in our lives leave it undone and turn back years later to complain and whine. The best thing for her to do now is to take charge of her happiness and not allow anything weigh her down. She should play her role as a daughter to the best of her ability towards him and look up to God for everlasting peace and success in life. Another advice I have for parents is never to compare their children with others, never!”