Why pharmacists oppose online drug distribution

There is disquiet among pharmacists in the country over the move by a group called Association of Community Pharmacy Owners to partner with an online trading platform to distribute drugs in the country. National President of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) Samuel Adekola rejected the proposal for online drug distribution, saying it […]

Why pharmacists oppose online drug distribution

There is disquiet among pharmacists in the country over the move by a group called Association of Community Pharmacy Owners to partner with an online trading platform to distribute drugs in the country.

National President of the Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria (ACPN) Samuel Adekola rejected the proposal for online drug distribution, saying it would worsen “the fundamental decay of indiscriminate access to medicines”.

According to the group, it is not only unethical but unlawful. He added that drug distribution via the internet was the trigger of the global drug abuse.

“ACPN was neither involved nor invited to any meeting with the online trading platform. Yet the meeting was said to be with community pharmacy owners.

“ACPN does not endorse the acquisition of pharmacies by non-pharmacists as this is grossly unethical and against the spirit of the PCN laws guiding community pharmacy practice.

“ACPN does not endorse the part ownership of community pharmacies by non-pharmacists. We render professional service and we are not traders.”

Daily Trust gathered that the popular online trading store, Konga had met with some pharmacists with a view to help them in distributing their products.

It would be recalled that the company had early in the year revealed plan to extend its retail interests to the health sector by launching an integrated cost efficient project through the acquisition of a pharmacy chain.

It was on the basis of this that Konga met with some ‘interested’ pharmacists where a memorandum of understanding was signed.

But ACPN has dismissed the MoU, saying the association was not represented and that it is against the move to distribute medicines online as that could worsen the already bad situation with the rate of drug abuse in the country.

A foremost pharmacist who spoke with Daily Trust on condition of anonymity said the move to distribute medicines via online stores is not only unethical but illicit.

He said it would also be against the guidelines of the Pharmaceutical Council of Nigeria (PCN).

“This is why we are encouraging the PCN and other relevant agencies to rise to this challenge in order not to exacerbate the challenge of drug abuse,” he said.

But another stakeholder who differs with the position of ACPN is of the view that the over-the-counter (OTC) which can be obtained without prescription may be sold online but the opposition should be tailored towards prescription medicines which legally require a medical prescription to be dispensed.

In emphasizing its opposition to the latest move, the ACPN however reiterated the need for the amendment of the Act establishing the Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) to increase its engagement of registered pharmacists as part of efforts to curb the menace of drug abuse.