Why research is a mightier tool for youths to battle ignorance

Analytically, illiteracy is one of our world’s biggest problems today, along with lack of peace, hunger and disease. A large part of our world is functionally illiterate; about a billion people are illiterate and another billion barely so. This has caused a major loss to the world, causing disenfranchisement, disaffection, disillusionment, dysfunction among others. The […]

Why research is a mightier tool for youths to battle ignorance

Analytically, illiteracy is one of our world’s biggest problems today, along with lack of peace, hunger and disease. A large part of our world is functionally illiterate; about a billion people are illiterate and another billion barely so.

This has caused a major loss to the world, causing disenfranchisement, disaffection, disillusionment, dysfunction among others.

The analogy at which the pandemic of ignorance is spread has caused a negative growth in the world, leading to underdevelopment of some parts.

Battling ignorance requires a more sophisticated approach, as the results of some of its negative effects have led to irreparable damages within the society.

Whether it is an ignorance linked with religion, science, humanity or art, approaching it with an unverified mechanism would at the end yield failure.

As ignorance is sometimes followed with a zealous step towards knowledge, an improper approach towards curbing ignorance can never stand as a cure.

Citing an instance, a surface knowledge about an event, a field or career without getting to root findings leads to misguidance, which is the reason for failure in many careers or businesses.

In all of these, the only sophisticated and mightier tool for battling ignorance is RESEARCH.

Research does not just centre on what one wants to know, but goes as far as increasing one’s knowledge about something and at the end provides factual information required for problem solving and decision making.

Just like an illness, treatment is procedural, which includes illness identification, diagnosis, identification of potential cure, followed by monitoring and evaluation, using the mightier tool (Research) in battling ignorance gives a better clue and solution.

Just as a treatment for the illness of ignorance, knowing the aspect in which ignorance lies (problem identification), identification of the nature of ignorance (proper knowledge) and investigation of some causes in order to compare results is important.

Therefore, to battle ignorance, a skilled and learned researcher is required, just as in medicine that requires a qualified medical practitioner for treatment.

For instance, in a part of the world where democracy is faced with a big challenge, due to ignorance of the constitution by the citizens, a setback in growth and development becomes proportionally high. This simply means ignorance comes with consequences which can only be solved through research.

Research has never failed and will never fail in yielding a solution to a learned society, for a learned society is a developed society.

To bring a drastic reduction if not an end to ignorance worldwide, creation of modern research facilities and research institutions must be prioritised, for the mightier tool that can stand to challenge ignorance is research.

Omale can be reached through [email protected]