‘Why robotics education should be embraced by Nigerians’

The Federal Government should embrace robotics education in order to impact needed knowledge on growing up children in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) an experts have said. According to the organisers of Robofest 2020 – an annual competition that brings young and talented scientists together – embracing robotics education would produce […]

‘Why robotics education should be embraced by Nigerians’

The Federal Government should embrace robotics education in order to impact needed knowledge on growing up children in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) an experts have said.

According to the organisers of Robofest 2020 – an annual competition that brings young and talented scientists together – embracing robotics education would produce many IT entrepreneurs in the country.

The organisers who spoken through their spokesperson, Femi Fadairo, said Nigeria is lagging in some technological areas because it has not taken some things into consideration.

Fadairo, in an interview with journalists on the sideline of the competition, dismissed the insinuations in some quarters that unemployment may be on the increase if robotics is embraced in Nigeria.

He explained that it is only knowledge about science and technology that can help Nigeria not lose out again during this fourth industrial revolution as it lost out during first, second and third ones.

He said: “60 per cent of children in school now, according to World Economic From, will end up in jobs that don’t exist today and most of it are supposed to be STEM-driven jobs. We are preparing the job force of the future today.

“They have all the competitive skills but if we leave them without using these skills, we’ve lost it. Nigeria lost; we were not in existence in the first Industrial revolution. We lost in the second and the third. The fourth one should not miss us. We need to play active role on that.”

He added that children of nowadays understand STEM better when robotics demonstrate things for them during their learning period.

“In my days, we were used to doing Biology, Physics, individual subjects but it is now being intentionally integrated and that is what is driving the World today. Robotics happens to be the major thing that can deliver STEM,” he explained.