Why shouldn’t women like money?

Is there any such thing as loving money too much or better still, as women loving money too much? If there is, why is it that when guys are hunting for Miss Right, they never look in the direction of the tattered, unkempt and haggard-looking ones? Why is it that they go for the well-dressed, […]

Why shouldn’t women like money?
Why shouldn’t women like money?

Is there any such thing as loving money too much or better still, as women loving money too much? If there is, why is it that when guys are hunting for Miss Right, they never look in the direction of the tattered, unkempt and haggard-looking ones? Why is it that they go for the well-dressed, with well-manicured nails, beautiful hairdo, sleek physique, articulate and well-spoken ones who are good show pieces?  

Listening to them make such remarks caused me to wonder what they meant by such, and if it were also not applicable to them. Who doesn’t want a woman who knows how to look good and make her surroundings beautiful? Is it by mere wishes and desires that she achieves these things to such a standard which attract the men and make her appreciable to men? Or is there a market somewhere with items on sale for free to women?

Surprisingly, some of the commentators were married men who also in the course of the dialogue admitted that there were things about their wives they loved to show off. Interestingly, a few of the reasons the men gave included their wives’ dress sense and general outlook, style of entertaining, choices of household items, tasty dishes and home maintenance, amongst a couple of others. And all these cost money!

In analysing each of these points of attraction beginning with dress sense and general outlook, we all know what it costs to buy dresses now and pay for them to be sewn if you want something good. They do not come cheap; not even when you try to be modest with going to flea markets to buy second-hand clothing or patronise cheaper tailors at the expense of your satisfaction.

Even if you get a good deal on clothing and accessories, wouldn’t you need to have a change as often as possible and isn’t it money you’ll need to make these changes that these same men condemning the fact that we like money too much appreciate? Isn’t it the frequent change that gives them an idea of your dress sense and general outlook, which they admire? Which of them would take a second look at you if you wore only three dresses in one week? Looking good is not only good business, but also a lot of money business. If you want a beautiful lady by your side, you should be willing to pay the price to get her, and most of all, to maintain and improve upon the standard you met.

With entertaining and their admiration for a woman’s choice of household items, many times, wives entertain their husbands’ guests more than theirs. Are they expected to do it in stainless steel wares and clay pots? You should see the faces of the men when their eyes behold well-laid dinner tables (thanks to their wives’ efforts and thoughtfulness or those of the caterer she hired), they practically glitter and sparkle. You’ll hear them proudly say things like, ‘My wife made this herself’ or ‘My wife directed and told them to do it exactly as she wanted it’. Apparently, she doesn’t joke with money and her materialism is paying off to your glory.

Women and money are two things that go hand-in-hand just as men and women go hand-in-hand. And men who treat women as handy playthings deserve women who treat them as generous bank accounts. Whether we agree or not, the world revolves around money and what it can get you. Women happen to be one of the major things guys want to have or acquire. You just have to be willing to pay the right amount for what you want.

In evolutionary terms, psychologists say men seek out sexually-desirable females whose youthful features indicate good health and the ability to bear children, while women look for mates with abundant enough resources to provide for their children. So does this mean that women are genetically programmed to seek out only high-status men with lots of money and resources, and to disdain more average guys with lesser earning power – that what women really go for is his wallet? There is no crime in going after a fat wallet; after all, we all need to be comfortable and it is the responsibility of the man in a woman’s to live up to it. It is probably the women’s way of getting even with their desires and expectations of you.

In recent times, it has been proved that it is not just women who love money too much; men love it just as much and go after it with all their might. If you contest this, you may want to ask why many young capable men would rather go for sugar mummies who are very successful and have the financial ability to care for their needs so much so that they don’t have a care in the world.

If a bank never complains that the money in it is too heavy for it to carry, why should a woman complain or grumble over having too much money and despise having more of it?