Why Small Businesses Should Invest In Social Media Marketing

A few years ago, the use of social media for businesses was foreign, but not anymore. In today’s time, social media platforms play a prominent role for businesses of all sizes. The marketing importance of social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are immense. Not only social media marketing is beneficial for big businesses […]

Why Small Businesses Should Invest In Social Media Marketing

A few years ago, the use of social media for businesses was foreign, but not anymore. In today’s time, social media platforms play a prominent role for businesses of all sizes. The marketing importance of social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are immense. Not only social media marketing is beneficial for big businesses and brands but also, the small businesses, and here’s why. 

Free Accessibility To A Wide Audience

Anyone can use social media and therefore, the number of social media users is billions. A brand can find a massive base of potential customers on a single platform. Therefore, small businesses should use social media platforms to connect easily with a broader audience cost-effectively. 

Furthermore, most social media platforms support the use of hashtags. With the help of relevant hashtags, you can get new customers for free. 

Creates Brand Awareness

Social media platforms have a clear-cut advantage over other traditional social media platforms in creating brand awareness. With the right brand tone, message and content like Cool Photos, it provides the brands a platform to reach millions of people with whom they can connect on an everyday basis. 

With brand awareness, it is possible to increase the number of followers on social media platforms. Consequently, it gets easier for small businesses to increase the conversion rate. Currently, many small businesses are pushing out reels that are trending on Instagram and WhatsApp Status to create aesthetic short videos to connect with new users. 

Increase In Site Traffic 

Many small businesses have their website to increase brand credibility. Simply relying on SEO can be hard to reach the target audience of a specific niche. Small businesses can direct customers to the main website through social media platforms. 

Subsequently, it improves the inbound traffic of the website and further adds credibility to the business. 

Community And Individual Focused 

Most small businesses are community and individual focused as they target a very narrow audience niche. These businesses can use different social media platforms to create their own community. For instance, many small businesses have their own Facebook or WhatsApp groups to connect with other like-minded people. 

These small groups and accounts are useful for improving customer engagement. For instance, it is not new for small businesses to reshare the posts and reviews of their customers to flaunt their customer satisfaction. 

Personalized Attention To Customers 

Big brands do not have the liberty to add a personal touch to their customers because their customer base is so extensive. It is not the case with small businesses where personalization is the USP of the business. 

Many customers prefer to connect with small businesses because of the personal attention they receive. Social media platforms allow businesses to reply to their comments and the messages and queries received and asked in their inbox. The touch of informal nature in such conversion is an added advantage to creating a loyal bond with the consumers. 

Social Media Stats For Businesses

Now that we know the major advantages a small business can have with social media platforms let us focus on stats to make the statements more concrete. According to reports, 55% of consumers learn about new brands through social media platforms. It is especially true for the millennials and Gen Z. Therefore, if you are a small business with a young target audience, you cannot absolutely agree with the role of social media platforms in growing your business. 

68% of consumers believe they can interact better with brands and companies via social media platforms. Traditional marketing is often one-way media. However, social media marketing allows both brands and consumers to engage with each other. This connection helps increase sales and build long-term relationships with each other. 

Reports also indicate that 78% of potential customers will purchase from a business after a positive brand experience on social media platforms. Therefore, simply using social media platforms to reach out to new customers should not be the aim. The primary aim should be to provide all present and potential consumers with a positive experience on social media platforms. 

To sum up, social media marketing is a cost-effective way to connect with potential customers, increase brand awareness and improve the customers’ brand loyalty. Furthermore, a brand can reach out to a broad base to improve its visibility.