Why the grass may not be greener elsewhere

Secondly, a friend of mine who has been complaining of her small salary too launched into this very depressing account of how her life had turned out. Believe me; millions would give their right arm to be where she is. The latest one told me out rightly how she wished she were me (well, I […]

Why the grass may not be greener elsewhere
Why the grass may not be greener elsewhere

Secondly, a friend of mine who has been complaining of her small salary too launched into this very depressing account of how her life had turned out. Believe me; millions would give their right arm to be where she is. The latest one told me out rightly how she wished she were me (well, I know for a fact that my life is far from perfect). So I keep thinking but all I can come up with at the end of the day is a sigh.

Of course we human beings are almost always dissatisfied with the things we have or our station in life. For some men, the wife at home is not good enough to show off to his friends so he would either go out alone or with another chick who can put on an American accent if need be. For the women, they can’t understand why X’s husband could buy her a Lincoln Navigator but our own husbands can’t buy us the Mercedes jeeps we’ve been dying for.

Some so-called friends envy you so much all they are holding their breath for is the day something goes wrong with your seemingly perfect life. They may even rejoice over it. Want to know why? Because we hardly ever take the time to reflect, look around and see that millions do not have half as much as we do.

If on waking up every morning you look around you and see that you are healthy, sane and you have food to eat for the day, I believe this alone is a cause for celebration and a reason to be happy.

My cousin told me a story of a morning in his life which I would like to share with you. One morning, he woke up moody because, firstly, he isn’t much of a morning person and secondly, it was drizzling outside and he had parked his car a few minutes’ walk away from his house. Under his breath, he was grumbling because he had to walk under the rain to get his car in order to commute to his office. On the short walk from the house, he encountered a group of workers whose job was to keep the area clean. They were gisting, sharing jokes and laughing wholeheartedly. He could not understand then why he was moody if all he had to do was walk to the car under the rain and drive off but these people who were celebrating the morning had to do their own job under the rain.

My point is, not many of us get the same kind of wakeup call because we do not even realize that we have lots and lots of things to be grateful for.

No one has a perfect life, or a perfect home or friendship or marriage or even job! Everyone has something that is not working his or her way so what is the solution? Stop thinking the grass is greener elsewhere and keep your eyes on your spot. You may just find out that big, round and juicy mangoes are growing on your tree. Take time appreciate yourself, your self-value and your self-worth. Appreciate the people around you.

Open your heart and love your loved ones to the max because you never know when you may lose them. Always focus on the good in your loved ones and in your life. Finally, the golden rule – NEVER forget that your happiness lies in your own hands. No spouse, child parent or friend should have the key to making you happy because ultimately, it is your duty to yourself.

Now that I have let it out, I just may quit sighing – for now.

S. Mohammed wrote in from Maitama, Abuja