Why the rising cases of COVID-19 in NYSC camps?

They have been reported cases of COVID-19 among corps members taking part in the orientation programme

Why the rising cases of COVID-19 in NYSC camps?

They have been reported cases of COVID-19 among corps members taking part in the orientation programme of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

Over 100 corps members are said to have contracted the virus at the various camps.

What could have been responsible for this rising cases of COVID-19 among the corps members?

Were the corps members properly screened before entering the camps? Were there adequate protective measures put in place?

The NYSC gave the assurances that all safety protocols would be observed at the camps.

But is that truly the situation at the camps. The NYSC authorities must look into the situation before we experience unimaginable situations at the camps.

Paulinus Ogbebo writes from Benin City