Why Theatre Arts is not recognized in the North –Fatima Ahmad

Fatima Ahmad Usman is a drama Artist, who has performed quite a number of drama on stage including ‘Laifin Waye’, ‘In The Chest Of A Woman’, and ‘The Cooking Pot’. She is also a Theatre Director, and has directed stage performances like ‘The Blood of a stranger’ and ‘The Wedlock of the Gods’, among others. […]

Why Theatre Arts is not recognized in the North –Fatima Ahmad
Why Theatre Arts is not recognized in the North –Fatima Ahmad

Fatima Ahmad Usman is a drama Artist, who has performed quite a number of drama on stage including ‘Laifin Waye’, ‘In The Chest Of A Woman’, and ‘The Cooking Pot’.

She is also a Theatre Director, and has directed stage performances like ‘The Blood of a stranger’ and ‘The Wedlock of the Gods’, among others. Fatima, an indigene of Kano state, have also featured in the Hausa TV series “Dadin Kowa (Sabon Salo). In this interview, she talks about her journey in Theatre Arts, how her fears turned into fame and more.

Weekend Magazine: How did acting and directing begin for you?

Fatima Ahmad: My journey began in 2014 when I gained admission to study Theatre and Performing Art in Bayero University Kano, (BUK). I accepted the admission but I decided that I would change my course of study after a year. That first year in school was because I was a shy person that had never been expose to stage my entire life.

A year after, I developed an interest for the course; even though I had to challenge myself to learn. I grew out of being shy and scared so, I majored in directing because I liked the idea that I will coordinate people. I was the only female student that took up directing in my class and people wondered if I could handle it. At the end of school, I was graded the best director.

WM: Did you have family support when you decided to act and direct?

Fatima:  My family was supportive. When I started, I started midnight rehearsal with my cast and crew in locations, my mother was always there for me. Sometimes in the middle of the night at 2:00am or 3:00am; she drives all the way to pick me up from location. Even though it was really challenging for her, she was so patient. Sometimes, my sister accompanies me for rehearsals.

WM: What was the most challenging role you played?

Fatima: My most challenging role was the production of a drama title ‘In the Chest of a Woman’ by Efo Kodjo Mawugbe. In that production, I was to play the role of a princess, who was in love with her cousin the prince. The prince in the play was actually a female disguised as a male. That role was challenging for me because I knew that the prince was not a man. The worst of all is that there was a scene where I was to seduce the ‘female-prince’. It was difficult to make such moves around my fellow woman.

WM: What have been the challenges so far?

Fatima: Societal challenges! I come from the North; the theatre is not recognised in the North. The major reason is that there is no corporation from people. Would you believe that when we want to stage a play, most of our audience are students? Sometimes, family members or probably, a person that knows a performer. Even with posters and adverts, it is difficult to have people attend a theatre performance. Another reason theatre is not accepted in the North is because there is no standard and effective theatre troop. If one existed, am sure people would have been accustomed to going to theatres to watch performances.

A third reason is, finances are difficult. Many times, we have a good play to stage; we had to cut down our budget to carry out the performance. Even when we scouted for sponsors to stage a play on the history of Kano, Nobody was interested. We went to companies and met even the famous we had little or no support. So many performers from the North have relocated to the south and west because we are not encouraged here in the north. Most likely, if we had received appreciation and support, many of us would not relocate. Theatre in the North can be an avenue where so many youth will be useful and encouraged.  

WM: What have you taught yourself over the years as inspiration?

Fatima: My inspiration comes with knowing that I can change lives and change the course of things with just performing on stage. One of the things I have learned is determination and focus. Those traits have helped me overcome so many challenges and distractions. I have been able to teach myself the ability to grow out of my fears; I had to let go of certain things I have held on to before, I learned to open a new chapter of my life and be better. I have also really been able to learn the art of tolerance and patience.