Why we’re facing daunting security challenges — Buhari

President Muhamadu Buhari Monday said different factors accounted for the country’s daunting security challenges….

Why we’re facing daunting security challenges — Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari

President Muhamadu Buhari Monday said different factors accounted for the country’s daunting security challenges.

He spoke during a brief ceremony at the State House, Abuja, where the Ambassadors of Japan, European Union, Burundi, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Cape Verde, France, Qatar; and High Commissioners of Sierra Leone and Ghana received Letters of Credence.

He said more partnerships are needed to fully overcome daunting challenges of insecurity in the country.

He said: “As a government and as a nation, we continue to make steady progress despite daunting challenges, notably in the area of security.

‘”Different factors accounted for this, amongst which are, first, that insecurity linked to terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, cybercrimes, and maritime issues, are trans-border acts that go beyond the abilities of any single country to effectively contain.

‘‘That is why, matters of security have become the business of all the nations of the world to work together to overcome. 

“Second, our borders are very long and porous, and their effective policing has become a daunting challenge.

‘‘Third, easy circulation of small arms and light weapons, from the Sahel-Libya axis and the Central African region, have made access to these weapons readily available which inevitably compounds our national and regional security.”

He, however, said despite these huge challenges, concerted efforts by his government and the Armed Forces had accounted for “the largely degraded capacities of terrorists across the country.”