Why women shield their hair from rain

Women often times value their hair than their clothes, to understand this watch them when caught in the rain unprepared. They are seen shielding their head first with shower caps, umbrella, cellophane bags,  paper and if nothing, their hands as if that is enough to protect the hair from getting wet.Anne Daniel said the reason […]

Why women shield their hair from rain
Why women shield their hair from rain

Women often times value their hair than their clothes, to understand this watch them when caught in the rain unprepared. They are seen shielding their head first with shower caps, umbrella, cellophane bags,  paper and if nothing, their hands as if that is enough to protect the hair from getting wet.
Anne Daniel said the reason women shield away their hair is to prevent the hair from smelling adding that when the hair is often wet it smells and also itches.
“I always make sure I have a shower cap or nylon bag in my bag during rainy season because the rain may come unannounced and if I am caught in it I will use what I have to cover my hair to prevent it from getting  wet,” she said.
Tosin Abiodun who owns a saloon said it is not good to allow the hair to get wet all the time. She said that can cause a lot of breakage to the hair and treatment to bring the hair to its original shape is not an easy thing.
She said, “Besides, it does not make hair to last longer when it is fixed or braided. When you braid hair that should last you for a month or fixing and rain falls on it, it gets old faster.”
Extreme care must be taken for keeping the hair always healthy. In the rainy season, care must be given to hair in order to protect it from certain unhealthy situations aside the use of shampoos or hair oil.
Rainy season brings humid atmosphere but extra humidity can be disastrous to your hair. Excess humidity decreases the shine of hair and weakens hair follicles that may lead to increase in breaking of the hair. Expert advises that we must limit the washing of our hair to two to three times a week as everyday washing of hair during the rainy season might break the hair.
In any case, washing your hair too often, say every day, can increase the problems you already face. Washing your hair two or three times a week will keep your hair clean and looking good.
Excessive wetness is the biggest cause during this season. Depending on your hair type, wetness may leave your hair frizzy or flat. Hair that is fine, wavy, or curly usually tends to absorb the moisture in the air. This makes fine or thin hair fall flat and does not last when it is washed and set, but people with wavy or curly hair end up with frizzy strands.
Steps to keep your hair from being damaged
1. Do not try to keep your hair in wet condition. This is because the wet condition causes the growth of dandruff in your hair.
2. Do not tie the wet hair because wet condition is suitable for the growth of dandruff in your hair, which may destroy the hair very easily.
3. After taking your bath and your hair gets wet, try to dry your hair as soon as possible. If you take your bath in the morning and have to reach the office very early, then you must be very careful in protecting your hair.
4. Do not comb your wet hair immediately after taking your bath as this may cause the damage to the hair.
5. Always try to select a good hairstyle which is suitable for your face.
6. Do not brush your hair roughly. Smooth brushing is suitable for the hair growth. Combing or brushing helps to increase the blood circulation of your head.
7. Your combs and brushes which you use for hair must be cleaned regularly.
8. Do not share the combs or brushes which you use for your hair with anybody.
9. Massaging with oil is suitable for the health of the hair.
10. It is good to have a diet rich in vitamins which are essential for your hair growth.
11. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily as it is good for the health of your hair.