Why women should join politics

Women like men are members of the societies we live in. Therefore, they have a role to play in shaping, uplifting and bringing tremendous changes in society and the world in general. Participating in political activities is one of the best ways to do so. Women have been underrepresented in politics for far too long. […]

Why women should join politics
Why women should join politics

Women like men are members of the societies we live in. Therefore, they have a role to play in shaping, uplifting and bringing tremendous changes in society and the world in general. Participating in political activities is one of the best ways to do so. Women have been underrepresented in politics for far too long. It is time for that to change. There are several reasons why women should join politics, and why their participation is essential for a healthy democracy.

Firstly, having more women in politics can lead to greater representation and representation of women’s interests and the society because society lives in them, they’re in a better position for everything belonging to the society. Currently, women are underrepresented in politics at all levels, from local to national level. This means that women’s voices and perspectives are not being heard and that their issues are not being addressed as effectively as they could be. Women’s political representation is critical to ensuring that women’s concerns are taken into account in policy making, and that laws and regulations reflect the diverse experiences of women.

Secondly, women’s political participation can help to break down gender stereotypes and challenge gender-based discrimination. When women join politics, they challenge the notion that politics is a “man’s world” and demonstrate that women are just as capable of leadership and decision-making as men and impact positively on the lives of people in our societies. By participating in politics, women can help to create a more equal and justifiable society, where they are valued and respected as equal citizens.

Thirdly, women’s political participation can also help to bring about a more peaceful and stable world. Studies have shown that countries with greater political representation for women tend to have lower levels of conflict and greater stability. Women’s political leadership can also help to advance human rights and social justice, and to promote peace, unity and security.

Why women should join politics

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The likes of Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand whose superlative handling of COVID-19 and relentless campaign on climate change, which earned her accolades and commendations worldwide shows that like men, women too can do better when given the chance in politics. In a 2021 interview with CNN, she reflected on her rise to power, saying: “It was not so long ago that being a woman in politics was a very isolating experience.” Samia Suluhu Hassan, who was sworn in as the first female President of Tanzania after the death of John Magafulli, has done a great job to put the brakes on a fast descent into total authoritarianism in the country alongside other fascinating achievements. They serve as pacesetters to other women to take the bold step and join politics and political activities in order to contribute towards both national and global

There are other prominent women that played a vital role in Nigerian politics such as the late Hajaratu Gambo Sawaba, late Aisha Jummai Alhassan, Paulen Tallen, Oby Ezekwelisi and Stella Oduah etc.

In conclusion, there are many compelling reasons why women should join politics. Women bring a unique perspective to the political arena, their political representation is critical to ensuring that women’s concerns are heard. Their participation can help to break down gender stereotypes and promote equality, and their leadership can help to bring about a more peaceful and stable world. Women’s political participation is essential for a healthy democracy, and it is time for more women to step up and take their place in the political arena.

Hajara Abdullahi, Dept of Mass Communication,  Bayero University Kano [email protected]