Why would you marry your ex-partner?

Recently, I overheard a friend talking about one of her friends who was in a marriage bound relationship with a guy back in those days when they were in higher institution, with the plans to end up as husband and wife in the nearest future.However, along the line the reverse happened to be the case […]

Why would you marry your ex-partner?
Why would you marry your ex-partner?

Recently, I overheard a friend talking about one of her friends who was in a marriage bound relationship with a guy back in those days when they were in higher institution, with the plans to end up as husband and wife in the nearest future.
However, along the line the reverse happened to be the case as few months after their graduation, third party interference and so many other issues crept into the two love-birds relationship. The crisis grew to a stage where the lady decided to call it quits with the relationship but the guy out of annoyance and rejection, threatened to deal with the lady if she dared tow the path of separation, though this did not deter her from walking out on him.
As fate would have it, few years down the line, the guy was back begging for her forgiveness and asking the jilted fiancée to reconsider and marry him as he has realized that he had made the worst mistake of his life. Here are the responses by some of our readers to this question Lifextra posed them: “Can you marry your ex- boyfriend bearing in mind the issues that led to your separation?’’
Emmanuel Nwajide says that marrying your ex-boyfriend is possible if the engaged couple realize their mistakes, discover that they are meant to be husband and wife and adds that nobody is above mistake: “Why not? it is possible to marry your ex though it all depends, if you  discover that two of you are meant to be together as man and woman because sometimes trivial issues tend to break-up relationships. So if both parties realize their mistakes, change from the bad ways, sure, you can still reconsider, forgive and accept each other as husband and wife.’’ He added that: “No matter what, the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know.”
Onyekachi Felix believes that marrying your ex all boils down to the kind of mutual relationship that existed between the love-birds before their separation: “Sure, considering the kind of relationship you had with her in the past, if the relationship was cordial and both of you understand each other and most importantly if you realize that within you are still in love with the person, you can still marry her bearing in mind that nobody is perfect.’’
Love and emotional attachment defines it all for David Onwuama, who says true love keeps no record of wrongs. He notes that: ‘’I can marry my ex if she still loves me and I love her. It is not a big deal.”
Another respondent, who demanded anonymity, is of the opinion that marrying an ex depends on the change in attitude of both parties involved: “Time heals wounds you know, so why not give it a try, it might even work out more than you think.”
One man’s meat they said is another man’s poison, as it is a different ball game altogether for Helen Agada, who doesn’t think it absolutely right to marrying someone’s ex. The 25 year-old believes that a cheat will always remain a cheat as a leopard can never change its skin colour: “No, I will not marry my ex because we parted for a reason and that reason is enough for me not to marry him. Relationship is a serious affair so I will not just part for a flimsy excuse and more over how are you sure that the person is real? A partner who betrays and cheats on you today may likely cheat on you tomorrow.”
Kate Zachariah notes that the love in a relationship with your ex will not be complete as the reasons for the separation will still hunt the marriage in the future: “I can’t marry my ex because I would still feel that the reason for our separation from the beginning will hunt us later if we get married.” She adds that: “I won’t say that am still in love with that person because you as a person can only recall the good things you shared with the person in the past not love as that love will not be complete.”
As for 28 year-old Ehohor Ufuoma, she is of the opinion that marrying someone’s ex depends on the will of God as sometimes man proposes and God disposes. “Speaking from a human point of view, I can’t marry my ex because I as an individual will have reasons for our separation but amidst all these you know man proposes and God disposes and He works in mysterious ways so I could marry him if it is the will of God,” Ufuoma said cheerfully.
Whatever be the case, we should always remember that change is one thing constant in life so a thief today might turn a saint tomorrow so no matter the circumstances, learn to listen to your inner voice for discernment and directions.