Why you should not dress indecently

They sometimes copy indecent dressing which is alien to our culture and tradition. People, especially married men, usually get offended whenever they see any exposed  parts of a lady’s  body (usually their sexuality) that normally should be covered.Stakeholders   are of the opinion that exposure of the body, especially amongst youth, is one of the causes […]

Why you should not dress indecently
Why you should not dress indecently

They sometimes copy indecent dressing which is alien to our culture and tradition.
People, especially married men, usually get offended whenever they see any exposed  parts of a lady’s  body (usually their sexuality) that normally should be covered.
Stakeholders   are of the opinion that exposure of the body, especially amongst youth, is one of the causes of persistent cases of rape and sexual harassment across the country.
According to Marcus Istifanus, a youth, “indecent dressing affects the nation as a whole especially  single and married men. It does not in any way reflect the beauty of a woman. More so, most Nigerians copy other people’s way of life and culture which is not suppose to be. Parents should therefore caution their children on their mode of dressing especially whenever they are going out of their homes”.      
 A mother, Mrs Grace Idowu Isah said, “during my younger days, we didn’t dress like the ladies of the present generation. Some ladies wear mini skirt and skimpy clothes which expose their body and this could lead to sexual harassment from the opposite sex. I have given four of my wrappers out to ladies who were being harassed here because of the way they dressed. We all know that issues of rape are on the increase as a result of the way some ladies dress. Parents should do more work on their daughters especially the younger ones”, she advised.      
She said: “As for me, if my daughter is going out and she puts on an indecent dress I call her back to change her dress, even my boy if he “shags” his trousers I also call him back”.
Mr Vincent Akpomeyoma said, “The way ladies dress these days is against our moral teachings. Therefore   parents also have a vital role to play in the life of their children. Some parents however, contribute to this problem because some of them even obtain such clothing’s for their children. More so, abuse of the female sex won’t stop until indecent way of dressing is been curbed out”.
Audu Haruna, the former coordinator of  Dhikrullah wa Tarbiyatul Awlaad Islamic School, Kuje, said the concept of modesty in Islam has been greatly misunderstood. The concept is to avoid every avenue that could turn out to be disastrous to the interaction between males and females in the society.
According to him, Islam considers the body of a female too special and important to be displayed like a cheap commodity. So a woman is expected to cover her entire body with the exception of her face and hands.
As such any dressing that reveals any of these parts either apparently, or in tight fitting clothes become suggestive and provocative is termed indecent or immoral. Men on the other hand, by virtue of ruggedness in the build of their body, are expected to cover at least from their knees, because exposure of any part within these  limit is also termed indecent.
He said most people admire the way super stars dress, they want to dress like musicians. The people have forgotten their culture which is against immoral dressing. Some of our children feel comfortable in it, because they feel its proper to wear such. “Allah says to the men and tells the believing men to lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)”, he said.
He  added that the family serves as the first educational contact of every human, “Parents have become negligent today in their duties in bringing up children in a moral, religious and socially acceptable manner. Many do not even know the Islamic ruling on the type of dress they wear, because they feel comfortable in it, they feel it is proper to wear such. I believe that provocation and indecent dressing makes a woman a quick target for rape”.
He stressed that parents should bring up their children in the way of Islam and emulate the practices of the female companions of the prophet, and take time to advise their daughters on the dangers of indecency and immorality and that the government could set up a disciplinary agency to checkmate indecent excesses as well.