Why you should pay more compliments

Compliments make up one of the components of social life. When they are given in the right way, they create so much positive energy that they make things happen almost immediately. When you receive a great compliment, it makes you feel incredible, making all your self-doubt melt away. While many of us struggle with the […]

Why you should pay more compliments
Why you should pay more compliments

Compliments make up one of the components of social life. When they are given in the right way, they create so much positive energy that they make things happen almost immediately. When you receive a great compliment, it makes you feel incredible, making all your self-doubt melt away.
While many of us struggle with the simple act of appreciating and complimenting the people around us, on a daily basis, many of us feel awkward or uncomfortable with the simple act of giving or receiving compliments from those around us.
To know how people felt when they received compliments, Lifextra went to town and got varying and interesting answers from respondents. One of them RashidaShuaib, a teacher, said “I have realized overtime that when you pay even the smallest compliment to people, it brightens their day.”
Using herself as an example, she said “I am glad when people admire my outfit each time I wear something new. It makes me happy. Complimenting a colleague, friend, family or someone you don’t even know can go a long way too in brightening that person’s day. In the class I teach, I see how my students feel when I applaud them for doing something good; you’ll see the child filled with so much joy and they’ll want to do more. That is to show how important it is to pay compliments.”
“It doesn’t bite when you do it; I have heard of some husbands who find it hard to compliment their wives and that is wrong. Even among friends and colleagues, it is good you make compliments to each other, this would make the working environment more friendly and serene,” she concluded.
Juliet Edward, a married woman, who also used herself as an example said, “You have no idea how it feels when you are complimented especially if it is coming from a loved one like a husband. My husband has made it a point of duty to admire me, especially when I have a new hair-do.  Maybe he noticed how excited I get when he does it. He doesn’t care whether the hair is lovely or not, and I really appreciate him for that. That singular act has made me compliment him too, and we have extended it to the kids. If they act in a certain way or do something that makes us proud of them, we compliment them in a mild way such that it won’t get into their heads; but it would motivate them to do more and act even better next time.”
Speaking to Lifextra, Festus Okoro stated that paying compliments should be one attitude everyone should learn to cultivate. He said, “I have seen it first hand with my workers. Anytime I tell them simple words like “good job”, “you are a good sales girl” or “you look smart today”, it makes them happy. It also makes them more focused and glad that their boss notices some of the things they do and acknowledge them.”
In his article “The 12 characteristics of great compliments”, Mikey D stated that “Compliments should come from a place of genuine desire to make other people feel better. But that doesn’t mean that you, the giver of the compliment, don’t get anything out of it. In fact, praising others has many benefits.”
Another article on practice.findlaw.com which has the title “Giving Compliments an Important Key to Success” highlights 3 ways of giving great compliments: – Be Genuine: Say what you mean, mean what you say, and speak from your heart.
– Make it Personal – You have to know something about the person, what they like, and their personality – it is not a “one-size-fits-all” phenomenon.
– Be Specific: Let people know exactly what they’ve done or what quality they have that you appreciate and how that action or quality impacts you in a positive way.

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