Why you should vote

‘Don’t mortgage your future, demand what is rightfully yours by voting wisely’ In Wikipedia’s words, democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or through elected representatives from among them to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as ‘rule of majority’. Simply put, […]

Why you should vote

Voter cards collection low in Rivers, says INEC official

‘Don’t mortgage your future, demand what is rightfully yours by voting wisely’

In Wikipedia’s words, democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or through elected representatives from among them to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as ‘rule of majority’. Simply put, the vote of a Nigerian is an instrument of change, used to determine officers who will steer the affairs of the country for a specific term of years.

It is for this reason that voting during elections ought not to be taken lightly. Sadly, in my beloved country, Nigeria, the majority are either not interested in casting their votes during elections, or resort to selling votes for paltry sums of money, thereby giving power to the minority to determine the leaders of the country. This has led to ‘godfathers’ imposing candidates on the people irrespective of what the people want, producing leaders who are incompetent to steer a smooth sail to the Promised land.

It is not enough for Nigerians to only comment on the problems facing our country; for the majority to rule, majority of the over one hundred and sixty (160) million must partake actively in being part of proffering viable solutions to solve the problems.

Nigerians over the years are used to complaining about the poor situation of the country, but fail to partake in bringing about the change we desire. Simply put, for the opinion of the majority to count, the majority must vote in a credible, free and fair election.

Most avoidable problems of the past have become stumbling blocks today, because for so long a time, many Nigerians have stood on the sidelines, easily swayed by politicians and their propaganda that the minority now decide the fate of this great nation. Elections are conducted for members to elect representatives of their choice, we all owe it as an obligation to mother Nigeria to decide those who run her affairs using merit, and not tribal or religious sentiments as yardstick.

What many have failed to understand is that, the issues we complain about can be resolved if we work collectively to decide who our leaders are with integrity; citizens of Nigeria who present themselves for elective positions should be judged based on track record, and not promises. A fair assessment of candidates should be the focus of Nigerians as we approach the forthcoming general elections. Do not be misled by cheap propaganda, analyze everyone critically, decide the country’s fate by casting your vote, and make it count.

This season, I have seen youth express lack of concern for politics, having been fed up with what the country offers them in return for their votes – the number of unemployed graduates keeps increasing, children seek tertiary education outside our shores, while those studying within the shores of Nigeria are left to study with empty pockets and hungry stomaches; entrepreneurs lack financial support from our banks, the list goes on and on.

But then, the mindset of avoiding the political space because of the country’s hardship does not provide solutions, rather it gives room for worse situations to happen in the future. The key to a brighter future starts from the choices we make at the polls; standing by to let few determine the outcome of the elections portends more harm than good.

Get involved in the forthcoming electioneering process. The voters register has been displayed by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at the various polling units across Nigeria for objections and corrections. Nigerians are expected to go to the polling units to verify their names and ascertain if the accompanying details are correct, take note of the total number of eligible voters in the polling unit, to avoid surprises on the day of election.

We are where we are today because majority of the electorate stand idle and avoid participating in electioneering process on the erroneous belief that the outcome of the election does not affect their day to day lives. And I ask, if the decision of who leads does not affect us, then why do we complain about the current situation of the country?

Get involved and participate in the forthcoming election, the future of our great country rests in the permanent voters’ card of all Nigerians.


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