Wife seeks divorce over sex denial

A housewife, Sa’adatu Musa, on Monday begged a Mararaba Upper Area Court, in Nasarawa, to dissolve her marriage to her husband, Dembe for allegedly denying her sex. Sa’adatu told the court that Dembe denies her sex, as he only has sex with her once in four months. She said that as a result of his […]

Wife seeks divorce over sex denial

A housewife, Sa’adatu Musa, on Monday begged a Mararaba Upper Area Court, in Nasarawa, to dissolve her marriage to her husband, Dembe for allegedly denying her sex.

Sa’adatu told the court that Dembe denies her sex, as he only has sex with her once in four months.

She said that as a result of his inconsistent sex with her, she did not get sexual satisfaction.

Sa’adatu said that she married Dembe sometime in 2015 and that the union did not produce any child.

She pleaded with the court to dissolve the marriage, saying that there was no longer love in the union as nothing could bring them together again since he could not satisfy her sexual needs.

The respondent, Dembe, however, denied the allegations.

The judge, Mr Ibrahim Shekarau, adjourned the case until Oct. 29 to allow the parties to settle out of court.