Will Atiku visit U.S.?

Although being able to visit the United States (U.S.) will not be a prerequisite for sincere and genuine commitment to good leadership, but, to be free from any allegation that might hinder you from travelling to America might be a credit requirement for becoming Nigeria’s president. For us to provoke a lot of discussions about […]

Will Atiku visit U.S.?

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

Although being able to visit the United States (U.S.) will not be a prerequisite for sincere and genuine commitment to good leadership, but, to be free from any allegation that might hinder you from travelling to America might be a credit requirement for becoming Nigeria’s president. For us to provoke a lot of discussions about Atiku’s credibility to be the Commander In Chief of this nation, this question becomes necessary. Even though there are some who view this as unnecessary requirement, but to be frank, this is a required condition that needs to be settled conclusively before Atiku’s eventual emergence as Nigeria’s President.

My main reason for saying this is, in spite of all efforts to shy away from giving a convincing answer to this much-needed question, people will continuously insist on it notwithstanding. Additionally, for being not well-informed about happenings of the time Atiku served as Obasanjo’s Vice President, before making up our minds to possibly vote for Atiku, contingent young voters need to know the true side of this matter. Because one single question that I’m yet to push behind my mind is: Is it true, or a far-fetched narrative that Atiku Abubakar has been banned from visiting the United States of America or not?

Certainly, we need an answer to this question as it will put to rest those speculations which were left on the grapevine of public. To tell Nigerians the true side of that matter will yield more impacts to Atiku’s presidential bid than strategising from elsewhere Dubai. Similarly, as it’s known to everybody, United States of America as a country that mostly hosts many world conferences, gatherings and international general assemblies, certain events might necessitate Nigeria’s president to visit the United States.

Therefore, to further underscore its importance, let me remind people that the United Nations’ headquarters is in New York City of America. Though, I have to admit that the U.N’s many agencies scattered across Europe’s countries. Also, it’s important to note that, in some U.N.’s gatherings, because of presence of leaders and government officials from different countries, many significant issues were discussed to strengthen bilateral relations between countries.

Accordingly, how do you expect the president that cannot travel to the U.S. to represent Nigeria in such gatherings? That’s why to me, and people with discernible ability to notice this important aspect, this is a vital issue that needs to give much emphasis to. So if Atiku wants to realise his presidential ambition, this is the right time to subject this matter to a definitive conclusion.

To succinctly sum it up, if I were Atiku Abubakar, to prove those insinuations wrong, I’ll visit the United States of America. But instead, Atiku talks ad nauseam about America’s refusal to give him visa, yet, not attaching the motive that led American authorities not to issue him that visa. Though in a dramatic volte-face, Atiku’s campaign Director General said recently, U. S. officials are close to grant visa to the former vice president. This revelation really deepens the need for further clarifications, either from Gbenga Daniel for being Atiku’s campaign DG, or the American officials. One question that begs for answer is, if U. S. doesn’t have issues with Atiku as disclosed by ex-Governor Daniel in a recent interview, why do they refuse to issue him visa?

Still, more sickening about this case is, United States of America’s authorities are still yet to come with a clear statement that can prove this allegation right or otherwise. We have just been left insinuating on reliability or otherwise of this allegation. What we can only say is, Atiku always used to refute allegation of any financial misconduct which compels U.S to issue a travel ban on him, but unfortunately, in the absence of any reliable evidence that can counter this accusation, his refutability will continue to fall on deaf ears. Lastly, it’s unfortunate to note that, despite Atiku’s hearty denunciations, there are still remnants of that fear in the back of people’s minds on his inability to visit the United States of America.

Abbas Datti, Kano