With a brother like Egypt…

The tragedy unfolding in Gaza, in the form of unprecedented Israeli aggression, has drawn worldwide condemnation amongst people of conscience all over the globe. We have all seen footage of demonstrations that have been taking place in numerous cities on different continents around the world. Everywhere, the message is the same: stop Israeli bombardment, lift […]

With a brother like Egypt…


The tragedy unfolding in Gaza, in the form of unprecedented Israeli aggression, has drawn worldwide condemnation amongst people of conscience all over the globe.

We have all seen footage of demonstrations that have been taking place in numerous cities on different continents around the world.

Everywhere, the message is the same: stop Israeli bombardment, lift the Gaza blockade, insist they recede to the 1967 borders, and bring the occupation to an end.

Respected international voices are calling for an immediate end to this genocide and the provision of a humanitarian corridor to ensure that necessary supplies reach the poor people of Gaza and allow those who can escape to safety.

Leaving your Egypt behind

Insecurity and media: A tale of two regions

The one country that’s best placed to provide this humanitarian corridor without any inconvenience is Egypt. It shares a border with Gaza through the Rafah Crossing.

But Egypt has no wish to. The pain and suffering of their brothers next door just don’t move them.

Since the blockade of the Gaza Strip in 2007, Egypt has cooperated fully with Israel in enforcing the total blockade by keeping this border closed.

When Turkey led a flotilla with activists to help Gazans in 2008, they had to go by sea and ended up being attacked by Israel.

The truckloads of food and medical supplies sent by Malaysia took days to reach the Gazans because they were detained at the Rafah Crossing by Egyptian officials during the time of Hosni Mubarak.

It took days of pleading by Malaysian authorities before the truckloads were allowed in.

In this current conflict, women and children have trooped to the Egyptian border, begging and pleading in order to escape Israeli bombardment, but the borders have remained shut against them. President el-Sisi has no sympathy for them.

This is highly unfortunate. Because Palestinians are fellow Arabs, they are their neighbours, and they are the oppressed party.

Egypt would rather side with the murderous Israelis; it would rather sell them cooking gas at even a lower price than they sell within Egypt, since the days of Hosni Mubarak.

Indeed, with a brother like Egypt, Palestine needs no enemies.

They are so selfish and cold-hearted that they couldn’t care less what becomes of their brothers next door. They are truly descendants of Pharaoh, whose worldly authority and grandeur didn’t allow him to have sympathy for others. El-Sisi has shown in both words and deeds that he’s far worse than Mubarak ever was.

His hardheartedness was obvious in the way he treated members of the Muslim Brotherhood and obliterated their leadership. Ironically, it was the democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi who elevated him to chief of defence staff. He turned around and staged a couple against him, as well as imprisoned him till his death.

But like all the other Arab leaders who chose not to lift a hand in order to liberate Palestine, El-Sisi will meet his end and will certainly regret why he refused to aid his oppressed brothers for all of eternity.  

As of yesterday, over 500 people were killed in Gaza alone through Israeli bombings. Doctors there said they had to operate on wounded people without anaesthesia because they had run out of medical supplies.  

And all this before the eyes of members of the Arab League with Egypt next door.

Again, I repeat, Israel will never win this war. And those that bow to it will be shamed both in this world and the next.