Witnesses shocked as husband tells court tales of wife’s adultery

 A bewildered Abeokuta Customary Grade II Court, sitting at Ake yesterday heard how a young mother of two, Mrs Iyabo Niniola Omidiji, has allegedly been engaging in acts of adultery.  Iyabo’s husband, Moruf Omidiji, said one of such alleged illicit affairs resulted in pregnancy, which she terminated as he was not ready to accept “a […]

Witnesses shocked as husband tells court tales of wife’s adultery

 A bewildered Abeokuta Customary Grade II Court, sitting at Ake yesterday heard how a young mother of two, Mrs Iyabo Niniola Omidiji, has allegedly been engaging in acts of adultery.

 Iyabo’s husband, Moruf Omidiji, said one of such alleged illicit affairs resulted in pregnancy, which she terminated as he was not ready to accept “a bastard” as a child.

 Witnesses brought by Iyabo, who had hitherto stoutly defended her innocence, were caught napping when Omidiji’s sister narrated to the court how her brother’s wife dated a fellow resident, who she said later came to apologise to her (the sister).

 Omidiji had approached the court to seek dissolution of the seven-year-old relationship on allegations of incessant quarrel, lack of love and adultery that he levelled against Iyabo.

 Narrating some of the instances, Omidiji said, “The first pregnancy was not mine, but that of a close friend of mine. Upon discovery, her family pleaded that we should not make it public and she had to undergo surgery to get rid of it. No sooner, she was again caught in adultery with another nearby resident of our area.

 “But the one that really triggered my action for divorce happened recently when my sister here (pointing) called my attention to the fact that my wife was dating a resident in her neighbourhood.”

 At this point, the sister took up the story, telling how the said resident came to her to apologise. “I placed a curse that if he did not tell me the truth about his relationship with my brother’s wife, so, so and so shall be his portion. He then disclosed to me that Iyabo was coming over to his home to sleep with him and whenever he was sick, she would visit to take care of him.”

To the narrations, Iyabo was just muttering she was not adulterous. The mother of two girls, both of whom were brought to the court looking ill, said she left home in January when the misunderstanding between them became unbearable. 

 “And since then, I have been left to take care of the children. That is why they are sick,” she said.

 The court president, Chief Olalekan Akande, urged the plaintiff to immediately get medical attention for the children, and ordered Iyabo to allow Omidiji access to them.

 “Until this matter is disposed of, there should be no report of harassment from both parties. You should both give peace a chance till there is judgment,” Akande declared.

 He adjourned the matter till May 22, 2018 to allow for family mediation.