Women decry political party primaries, seek deputy governorship

Speaking under the aegis of the 100 Women Lobby Group, they said Nigerian women are unhappy on the different dynamics and outcome of the current primaries at the political level which has played out to be totally against the wish and will of Nigerian women.“They are being tactfully edged out and battered emotionally in the […]

Women decry political party primaries, seek deputy governorship
Women decry political party primaries, seek deputy governorship

Speaking under the aegis of the 100 Women Lobby Group, they said Nigerian women are unhappy on the different dynamics and outcome of the current primaries at the political level which has played out to be totally against the wish and will of Nigerian women.
“They are being tactfully edged out and battered emotionally in the party primary elections in each of the states that have carried out their primaries, because of the perceived money politics, undue interference of political leaders, intimidation and negative cajoling of women which has affected the outcome of women’s participation  at the party level,” they said.
In their statement which was read by co-ordinator North central,  Anne Addeh they said the 100 women lobby Group have met and analyzed the ongoing situations of the various political party primaries and the rate at which women are being excluded in political participation.
They said; ‘it was observed that most of the women were cajoled out of their aspirations , which results to emotional violence in the primaries, high financial intimidation where money is spent to influence the various delegates. The  women in Nigeria have the right to vote and be voted for. It is also the responsibility of the government of Nigeria to ensure that these rights are not eroded even in a competitive area.”
They said women are therefore asking that all political parties make open positions of deputy governorship candidates to women, where men are governorship candidates and vice versa which is known as twinning system.
The 100  women lobby Group  which promotes women’s political participation asked for the reduction of gender based violence in elections which we noticed in few places in the political arena and appealed to Nigerian electorates to support women in the fourth coming elections.
They also reminded all political parties of the promises made during the lobby visits to them including the visits to IPAC to support women’s political participation.
Barrister Ebere ifendu , women leader of the labour party said women actually indicated interest to vie for positions and actually came out this time to contest but didn’t find it easy. She said there is need to re-strategize and focus more on legislation. So that more women can be elected into elective positions and the parliament.