Women group bemoans rising teenage pregnancy

Women under the auspices of Ogene Ifunanya Women Association (OIWA) in Olocha, Adogbalato, Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State have decried the rising rate of teenage pregnancy in the area. OIWA’s President, Mrs Agnes Udu, disclosed this yesterday in Awgu at a one-day town hall meeting on “Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)” in […]

Women group bemoans rising teenage pregnancy

teenage pregnancy

Women under the auspices of Ogene Ifunanya Women Association (OIWA) in Olocha, Adogbalato, Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State have decried the rising rate of teenage pregnancy in the area.

OIWA’s President, Mrs Agnes Udu, disclosed this yesterday in Awgu at a one-day town hall meeting on “Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)” in the area.

Mrs Udu said the meeting was organised for men in the area to find a lasting solution to violence against women and girls.

She described as unacceptable incidences of teenage pregnancy, rape, harmful traditional widowhood practices, among others, in local communities, stressing that they must stop.

She also called on men to end all other obnoxious traditional practices that had caged women and girls.