Workers picket Abuja water board [photos]

Workers picket Abuja water board [photos]
Workers pickets Abuja office of the Abuja Water Board Area 3 on Tuesday over the allegations of corruption, and poor welfare for staff. Photo by Umar Shehu Usman
Abuja Water Board Area 3 where workers picketed on Tuesday to protest poor welfare. Photo by Umar Shehu Usman
Daily Trust monitored the protest and observed that the placards-bearing protesters, under the umbrella body of the Amalgamated Union of Public Corporation, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees (AUPCTRE), grounded activities at the organisation. Photo: Umar Shehu Usman
Daily Trust monitored the protest and observed that the placards-bearing protesters, under the umbrella body of the Amalgamated Union of Public Corporation, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees (AUPCTRE), grounded activities at the organisation. Photo: Umar Shehu Usman
“Nahuce, go!” this placard reads. One of the placards carried by workers protesting poor welfare at Abuja Water Board in Area 3 on Tuesday. Photo by Umar Shehu Usman
Another placard reads “Nahuche, you over due for retirement”. Photo by Umar Shehu Usman
One placard calls Nahuche the “cov-19” in FCT Water Board, a reference to the ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus, Photo by Umar Shehu Usman
“Nahuce, go!” this placard reads. One of the placards carried by workers protesting poor welfare at Abuja Water Board in Area 3 on Tuesday. Photo by Umar Shehu Usman