Worship is your primary purpose on earth

One of the most tragic things in life is that what God intended to bless us with is now being used to destroy us. What am I talking about? The human will: the freedom to choose. Man is the creature of God that has a powerful will to choose what he wants.  We have knowledge […]

Worship is your primary purpose on earth
Worship is your primary purpose on earth

One of the most tragic things in life is that what God intended to bless us with is now being used to destroy us. What am I talking about? The human will: the freedom to choose. Man is the creature of God that has a powerful will to choose what he wants. 

We have knowledge of blessing and curse; life and death but the Bible counsels us to choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” 

The second tragic thing is that men do not understand why they are here. And because of that they are confused and stranded and end up unfulfilled even in the church. 

Most people place more value on things that are not important while downplaying things that are. They choose the wrong things and pursue the wrong course in life. 

The manufacturer determines what a product is meant for. And he designs it for that purpose. 

Common reasons people think they exist

1. To please themselves. To be happy. So they pursue happiness through many means. They gather daily in beer parlours to drink their sorrows away. They call it enjoyment. The most wasted life is that spent trying to please only yourself!

2. To make money. So they spend all their lives pursuing money as a primary goal in life. They are frustrated when the money does not come.

3. To marry and have children. Many singles (especially women) have suspended their lives waiting for this to happen.

4. To impress and please people. They buy things they cannot afford and take all sorts of things from everyone. They even pretend they are doing well even when they are not. They are sad when no one takes notice of their new dress.

5. To just go through life and die. They have no ambition and they take whatever comes their way.

Your primary purpose for being here on earth

Let me first refresh your mind on the 

5 laws of purpose

a) Nothing exists without purpose. It is the reason for the existence of a thing.

b) Purpose determines the potential of anything. Purpose determines your abilities. 

c) No object or product determines its own purpose. It is the exclusive preserve of the maker or manufacturer of the product.

d) Failure occurs when purpose is ignored. Its fulfillment determines the significance of a thing. Without its fulfillment, an object loses its significance.

e) Nothing exists for itself.

A car is not made for itself. The earth was not created for itself. A building is not constructed for itself. The chair you are seating on was not made for itself. You do not exist for yourself.

You were not created for yourself. We have a maker who has determined why he made us. Let’s find out from the Bible. 

Isaiah 43:21, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.”

God created you for himself. You are not here for you; you are here for God. You are here to give him pleasure and you do that through a lifestyle of worship and faithful service. You were made to worship God and bring pleasure to him. You have an assignment on planet earth that is more than taking care of you and your needs. 

Revelations 4:11, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”

Unfortunately, so many people on earth (including Christians) are bringing pain to God instead of pleasure. 

Some even believe that God exists to constantly bring pleasure to them. They get angry with him when he appears not to be satisfying them.

Some blame him for everything including their mistakes; some expect him to always run errands for them, some expect him to never expect anything from them; some get angry when they think he’s slow in dealing with their problems while others ignore him entirely and do just whatever they want or whatever pleases them. 

Many don’t want anyone to tell them what to do. Since after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man has chosen to be a god unto himself with catastrophic consequences!

Get it; you are created for God and not God for you! You are made to worship and serve him!

The Lord Jesus further revealed that God is looking for a particular type of people: worshippers! Not just worshippers but genuine ones. John 4:23, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” True worshippers worship him at all times; through good times and through bad times; through their pains and times of uncertainty!

We are created to worship God; that is our primary purpose for living. Every product exists for a purpose determined by the manufacturer and not the product. “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” Isaiah 43:21. 

A product that is not serving the purpose for which it is made is discarded and trashed. 

Why David wanted to live

Psalm 61:6-8, “Increase the days of the king’s life, his years for many generations. [7] May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him. [8] Then will I ever sing praise to your name and fulfil my vows day after day.”

David desired long life to sing praise to the name of the Lord and fulfil his vows to praise God, day after day. He had a habit of praising seven times daily and praying three times (Psalm 119:164, Psalm 55:17).

He is the established or confirmed author of 76 Psalms out of 150. He is said to be co-contributor to many others.

No wonder God preserved him, prospered him, promoted him and punished his enemies! God will do the same for us if we do what he did.

May the Lord give you the anointing for uncommon praise!

You will survive every attack of the enemy in your life!

Your enemies will bow before you in disgrace!

God will punish your enemies severely! Those who are bent on making your life miserable will be destroyed!

God will surprise you with abundant supply!

Get ready for changes that will take you to the level you have been dreaming of!

Your whole world is about to experience a complete transformation for the better!

As God changed Joseph’s story so he will change your story!

His presence will mark you out! 

His glory will distinguish you! His wealth and greatness will crown you, in Jesus name!!