Would Africa bite the gay for aid pie?

They get insulted and have the most stupid conditions tied to the aid, but the kleptocrats in Africa shrug their shoulders like hungry beggars – thinking they have no choice. Truth is, the rest of the Commonwealth needs Africa more than Africa needs them. The wealth they flaunt would be nothing without the contribution of […]

Would Africa bite the gay for aid pie?
Would Africa bite the gay for aid pie?

They get insulted and have the most stupid conditions tied to the aid, but the kleptocrats in Africa shrug their shoulders like hungry beggars – thinking they have no choice. Truth is, the rest of the Commonwealth needs Africa more than Africa needs them. The wealth they flaunt would be nothing without the contribution of others.

Yes, the group may be relevant to drive the fear of God into the despots who ruin their countries; but with proper management, the black continent can be turned round. For now, the idea of packing a whole village to the Commonwealth summit is more wasteful than whatever it gives to the beggarly nations. From the media point of view, only two important decisions came from Perth.

The first is the proposal to finally force the British monarchy to open up its chauvinistic and bigoted succession space. While heckling other people and prodding itself as a model reformed society, Britain has managed to push the succession issue behind the bunsen burner for so long. In most parts of Africa, succession is open to anyone with the so-called blue blood irrespective of their sex or religious persuasion. On that score, we all should welcome Britain to the modern fold and hope that this gale of reform does not stop there but follow the French revolution by taking the monarchy totally out of the democratic process. You cannot have a pseudo-democracy in which you have a ceremonial head and an elected government working side by side. The world has moved.

When next Britain or any of the countries which regards the Queen as its head tries to heckle anybody with more open systems, they should be reminded to democratize. The Perth Proposals does not take effect until the fourteen or so countries which regard the Queen as head passes a parliamentary approval for it to take effect. I have a few questions for them to ponder before they rubber-stamp the decision. What happens if the heir or heiress to the throne fail to have children either by choice or by biological inability? What happens in the case of adoption to fill that vacuum? Would the adopted child be infused with blue blood to have access to the throne?

And most importantly, what happens if, down the line and perhaps not too far away, a heir or heiress to the throne decides to marry someone of the same sex? This is a very important question to start pondering now. It would do no good to say that Britain would cross the bridge when it reaches there, because it is actually already there. David Cameron, the British Prime Minister laid the ground rules when he said that henceforth, aid to African countries would be tied to full recognition of homosexuality.

From the get go, the Commonwealth eminent nations have made homosexuality a prominent issue. The reports from London to Ottawa was that the group would target all the countries with laws criminalizing homosexuality. Sliding on their new road of perversion, Britain and other so-called developed but morally bereft countries want the rest of the world to go down the Sodom and Gomorrah way. They have been working on this covertly for a long time; seeking out and encouraging gay groups to organize and come out of the curtain. While those who face genuine persecution are left to be killed by those who hound them, these countries open their doors to those claiming sexual persecution. Isn’t it ironic that a people prosecuting priests for ‘abusing’ children has de-criminalized an immoral act? What is next, perhaps the de-criminalization of rape, robbery, and of course kleptocracy.

The more the world claims it progresses, the more it practically regresses. The elasticity of human depravity seem to be so long. The west came to Africa to condemn idol worship, but today they celebrate the festival of ghosts. Churches, which used to be the centre of civilization and socialization are now being sold to lodges, witchcraft and things which would make the missionaries squirm in their graves. The civilization that Godliness built is now being turned over to the devil itself all in the name of freedom. Dogs and cats have more rights than human beings in the western world. While we talk about food to feed our hungry children, they are raising funds to feed dogs and prevent cruelty to rodents that are vectors of diseases. Its hard to fathom.

The ‘freedom’ they declared against morality has returned to spite them in the face and anyone who dares to exercise that freedom by speaking against the slide is fair target for annihilation. Every day, people steal; some get away with it because they are never caught. But those who are caught must face the full wrath of the law even if it is plea bargaining. Western countries now have laws which allows burglars threatened with guns to file assault charges on the owners of the property they threaten. I just don’t get it.

The divine order is to be fruitful and multiply. That we are seven billion does not change the rule basically because some parts of our globe is so under-populated it has to open up to immigrants. The west permits people who are averse to the natural order and passed laws that allows them not just to openly recruit but to adopt children born out of bi-sexual relationships. The gay lobby is now stronger than the common weal. It has its hold on elected government and the social arena. Britain has openly targeted Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe for its so-called anti-gay stance – now it wants to expand its sphere of influence to others.

Issues like these are reasons why Africa must harness its human and material resources for self-respect. So that when next these sinners meet and try to entice the whole world to follow their perverted ways, they would have the moral courage to say – NO. But would greed, kleptocracy and lack of vision let them?


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