Would you attend your ex’s wedding?

Weddings are occasions of laughter, romance, and good wishes for the lucky couple. But putting forward your best side becomes truly difficult when you are invited to an ex’s wedding. Getting married is all about a new beginning shared with one’s closest friends. Receiving an invite to an ex-partner’s wedding can stir up emotions. It […]

Would you attend your ex’s wedding?

Weddings are occasions of laughter, romance, and good wishes for the lucky couple. But putting forward your best side becomes truly difficult when you are invited to an ex’s wedding.

Getting married is all about a new beginning shared with one’s closest friends. Receiving an invite to an ex-partner’s wedding can stir up emotions. It can be tough to decide whether to attend the event or give it a pass.

Contrary to what movies/television depicts, the commonest feeling between two people who were once together and what they feel towards each other is a form of awkwardness, anger, hate etc. and  this stems from knowing that that person has some ideas about who you are and your insecurities that most people do not have.

The choice of whether to attend an ex’s wedding or not is one serious issue that has been debated for a while now. LifeXtra took this matter to the street to know what people’s opinions were on the matter.

Patience Steven, a Jos-based entrepreneur, said it depends on how the relationship ended between them. “If we parted ways on a friendly note, then I might likely attend if my schedule permits me but if we didn’t and ended up fighting, then I would not.”

Jumai Austen, a post graduate student, had a contrary opinion. She stated “I think it would be awkward to attend an ex’s wedding.”

Concurring with Steven, she noted that it’s even worse if the relationship ended on a bad note. “But I guess in a situation where we have the same circle of friends, I might be forced to attend but even that it’s only if I was the cause of the break-up. Aside that, attending an ex’s wedding is a total No-No for me and I don’t want him to attend mine either,” she concluded.

Also speaking to LifeXtra, Odeh Emmanuel, an undergraduate, says it depends on what the motive of his ex is.

Buttressing his point, he stated “If she is inviting me to her wedding to make jest of me, I won’t go because some people do it to poke fun at their exes and make them jealous. So, if that is her motive for inviting me, I would turn down the invite.”

“Secondly, it also depends on the nature of our breakup. If we broke up in a friendly way, such that nobody’s feelings were hurt, then yes I would attend but then like I have stated, it depends on how we parted ways.”

Edor Sunday, an entrepreneur residing in Makurdi, responded with an emphatic NO. He said “Whether we parted ways amicably or not, I will not attend. What am I going there to do? We are out of each other’s lives.”

A makeup artist, who simply gave her name as Kindness, has another view. “Well, I will attend irrespective of how we parted way. This is to show that I have no hurt feelings again, and also to rejoice with him.”

She added “Another reason is we do not know where we would meet each other tomorrow and by then one of us may need the other person’s help. So it’s good to attend an ex’s wedding, for old time sakes and perhaps for future assistance.”