Would you invite your ex to your wedding?

Planning a wedding is one of the most difficult tasks/assignments a couple can carry out. Besides putting logistics together, there are lots things to consider. While going through the guest list, there’s no doubt that the names of few old acquaintances might pop up. What would you do if one of those names happens to […]

Would you invite your ex to your wedding?

Planning a wedding is one of the most difficult tasks/assignments a couple can carry out. Besides putting logistics together, there are lots things to consider. While going through the guest list, there’s no doubt that the names of few old acquaintances might pop up.

What would you do if one of those names happens to be that of an ex? In other words, would you invite your ‘ex’ to your wedding?

Inviting an ex to a wedding has always been a hot topic of discussion and sometimes a no-go-area for intending couples. LifeXtra took the matter to the streets and got interesting responses.

Abduljalil Umar, a graduate, said “The fact that fate does not decree that you and your ex would get married doesn’t mean continuity of hostility. Your hitherto romantic, admirable and friendly relationship cannot be thrown to the winds on account of your failure/inability to get married. She should be invited.”

Also speaking to LifeXtra, Alhassan A. Bala, a broadcast journalist, opined that inviting his ex would depend on two things – circumstances that led to their separation and her current status. “If she is married, I can’t invite her because I will not like to give any room for suspicion from her husband. Then if she is single, I may invite her but I have to also look at the implication of that and the peace of mind of my wife.”

Charles Uche, a mechanical engineer, added “Yes, because I’d want to let her know it is not a do-or-die affair. Life must go on; it’s not every relationship that will end up in marriage. It is only here in Africa that we see it as a bad thing. I do hear some girls say ‘after using me, now he wants to go and marry another person’.”

Uche Joshua, an Abuja-based IT expert, had a contrary view. “Why would I have anything to do with my ex again after we have gone our separate ways?”

“Inviting her to my wedding means I still have feelings for her and I still want to see her. Our feelings for each other died the day we went our separate ways. And if she invites me to her wedding, I won’t go either. Therefore I can’t invite her to mine.”

An online article “Should you invite your Ex to your wedding?” stated “Almost every person will have a relationship history before they find the person they’re going to marry.”

“In many cases, especially if it was a boyfriend at secondary school or someone you had a fling with, you’ll have moved on and either they’ll no longer be a part of your life or you’ll be friends. When it comes to getting married, this means deciding if they’ll be on the guest list.”

The article added “Even the most secure couple can feel rattled by the idea that the person their partner has previously been in a relationship with, or even loved, will be at their wedding. It’s a huge reminder of the past on a day that’s supposed to be about your love and future together.”