Would you keep a joint account with your spouse?

It is assumed and or generally claimed and accepted that money is one of the things that make the world go round. Money is used by everyone irrespective of status, race, religion, ethnicity etc.  Therefore, as a result of the importance of money in our lives, we open accounts with banks where we save it […]

Would you keep a joint account with your spouse?

It is assumed and or generally claimed and accepted that money is one of the things that make the world go round. Money is used by everyone irrespective of status, race, religion, ethnicity etc. 

Therefore, as a result of the importance of money in our lives, we open accounts with banks where we save it for future use.

However, one debate that is constantly on the lips of single people is whether they will keep a joint account or not with their spouses when they marry.

Lifextra crew joined the discussion and sought opinions and the responses we got were very interesting as people had a lot to say on this issue.

Mark Anthony Osuchukwu, who is single and also a writer, said he would not and could not keep a joint account with his wife. He added rhetorically: “What are we joining again after the one at the altar?”

 Lifextra asked him, “But why wouldn’t you?” He said, “For me, getting married doesn’t mean you are not permitted to have secrets any longer. Sharing accounts doesn’t mean love. The same way sharing the same bed doesn’t mean fidelity.”

Lagos-based Eric Dukun said he could, but that he’d also have a separate personal account. When Lifextra sought to know why he would and why he would still keep a separate account, he said: “I would for the practical purpose of housekeeping, and I would keep a personal account to maintain a degree of financial freedom. I don’t have to go explaining myself for every financial commitment I need to undertake.”

Concurring with Dukun, an Abuja-based journalist and writer, Dyepkazah Shibayan, told Lifextra that:  “I can keep a joint account with my spouse, but I’d definitely have another account.”

“Why will you keep account with your wife and keep another for yourself”? Lifextra asked.

 “I’d keep a joint account with her because I trust her. But if she spends it as she likes I won’t have a problem with that. But I’d still have a personal account because it may be a source when that other one is depleted so we will have something to fall back on. So in other words, for ‘security reasons’: because sometimes women could be impulsive.” 

 Abbas Ibrahim who works with an airport agency, said: “Yes, I can keep a joint account with my spouse if only there’s a great trust and agreement with her. And if our level of love is more than 100 per cent.”

How would you know if there is a great trust between the two of you? Lifextra wanted to know.

He responded: “You’ll know based on what you’ve previously done together and how you have made success of it. And also, joint accounts can also be reasonable for the couple if they have great future plans: maybe a house project or something that has to do with their children’s future.”