Would you rather self-medicate?

Ibrahim Usman, 30, Teacher, Abuja You can’t do self medication when you don’t really know anything about what you are treating. If you have malaria for instance, you don’t know the medication to take: you must consult a doctor or someone that knows about it instead of just mixing unnecessary concoctions that may even worsen your […]

Would you rather self-medicate?

Ibrahim Usman, 30, Teacher, Abuja

You can’t do self medication when you don’t really know anything about what you are treating. If you have malaria for instance, you don’t know the medication to take: you must consult a doctor or someone that knows about it instead of just mixing unnecessary concoctions that may even worsen your situation. So it is better to always consult professionals.

Zubairu Abdulsalam, 57, Businessman

I am learned so I wouldn’t take part in any form of self medication. When I am sick I go to the hospital in spite of the stress and fee attached: which by the by the grace of God the government will soon tackle.

Fatima Garba, 20, Student, Abuja

No, I would rather go to the hospital because there is guarantee that you will get better treatment and good medical care. Furthermore, there is more or less no risk in the hospital and you’ll figure out what’s wrong with you easily and correctly. Although self medication is most commonly practiced, the doctor’s prescription is more reliable. 

Joshua Ehi, 35, Businessman, Abuja

No matter the difficulties and pains of a health situation, the dangers that go with self medication cannot be over emphasised. Therefore, I would rather see the doctor in order to be on the safer side: that is my take on this.

Chibuike Nwokere, 36, NGO, Abuja

At times some people go for self medication because of the stress of seeing the doctor and the cost. However, self medication is not the best, but the truth of the matter is that when you go to some of these big pharmaceutical shops, especially in Abuja, you will see a lot of people coming to buy drugs without any prescription. 

Sometimes I do self medication because of the stress, consultation fee and all other obstacles before seeing the doctor. However, it is not the best. I would prefer to see a doctor.

Abdullahi Adamu Misa, 21, Student, Taraba

To be very honest, self medication is not advisable. In fact, it is not even good. But then, as a student, sometimes after lectures when I have headache I take paracetamol and if the pain persists I consult the doctor. So the way I see it, self medication is a two way issue depending on your illness. If your sickness is severe you must consult the doctor, but if it is just a mild headache you can take the medicine to counter it and still complain to the doctor when you can.

James Amwa, 33, Trade Agent, Abuja

No, I think it is better to go to the hospital to see the doctor because self medication has been killing people. Sometimes we just assume it is malaria or something else that we think we know, but it could be worst. So, definitely I would prefer the doctor’s prescription.

Kande Ahmed Mahmud, 46, Housewife, Adamawa

Self medication is very dangerous and can even lead to death. The only form of self medication that is allowed is first aid: whereby you can treat yourself immediately after an accident before you are taken to the hospital for proper treatment. Self medication is like giving a young man who cannot cook ingredients and asking him to prepare a meal: it is bad; such a person can even poison you.
Musa John, 27, Accountant 
Well, it depends. First of all there are different kinds of injury and sickness. So it is advisable that if you are sick you visit the hospital. However, if the illness is not something serious, you can treat yourself at the counter. On a serious note, I think going to the hospital is better so that a professional can attend to you.
Victor Agbai, 32, Engineer, Abuja
When I am ill, I will consult a doctor because he is a specialist. Secondly, the doctor had taken time to study sicknesses and knows their antidotes. Your own intelligence is not enough to tell you what is wrong with you. Sometimes you need the doctor to use medical equipment to carryout experiments in your body in order to know what is wrong.