Would you work for money or passion?

Money has always been described as a powerful tool. So, is it wise to remain in a job where one earns a lot but is not happy or would you rather do a job you are passionate about, even if the pay is small? More often than not, we tie money and happiness together but […]

Would you work for money or passion?

Money has always been described as a powerful tool. So, is it wise to remain in a job where one earns a lot but is not happy or would you rather do a job you are passionate about, even if the pay is small?

More often than not, we tie money and happiness together but according to psychologists, it is only to an extent.

At times, while working, we may find ourselves at a crossroad – What we do doesn’t pay much but we are still comfortable with it. But the question is: should you keep doing something you enjoy but doesn’t pay well?

To some, money is more important but to others, job satisfaction can be a top priority.  Research has shown that most employees believe they would be happier if their job embraces more of their personal interests, which includes a better salary.

LifeXtra however asked people what they think about working just to earn a living or working for the job. Their responses were very interesting.

For Benny D’Capricorn, a resident of Jos, it is all about passion. He said “Doing it for passion guarantees I give my all and do it happily. The money is as important but what is money without quality delivery?”

Speaking further, he said “If I do it with joy and dedication, I am very positive I will do my best to deliver quality. So, passion first then money follows.”

Victor Gee, who resides in Kano, belongs to a different school of thought. “It’s all about the ‘Benjamins’. Get the money and be bored first then switch to my passion,” he said.

Lami Jonathan, an Abuja-based journalist, said she would choose passion over money.

When asked why, she said “I’ll use myself as an example. While growing up, I was passionate about writing so when I later got the job I am doing now, I was happy because this is one of the places I can put my passion to use. So, let’s just say I followed my heart.”

“If you follow your passion, money will chase you but if you decide to follow the money, happiness would elude you because you are not passionate about what you are doing,” she concluded.

Still in that school of thought, Emmanuel Odeh, an undergraduate, believes that no amount of money can buy peace of mind.

He said, “I would first of all go for passion because if I go for the money, and the job description doesn’t match my passion, it means both are not in harmony; they don’t align. So, rather than end up a frustrated man because of money, I’d follow my passion.”

The article “Salary vs. Job Satisfaction: Which is More Important to You?”on www.brightermonday.co.tz states “Choosing money over your job satisfaction may depend on several factors. It might be family reasons, your financial independence, dreams, etc. But you have to consider some other things apart from a high salary. When trying to decide on whether to take a lower paying job or a satisfying one, consider these: Find other avenues for extra cash – If you are in middle of choosing to take a job that satisfies you rather than salary, start by thinking if you can you take a part-time job to make some extra money. You can consider a part-time job to make up for a lower salary while you pursue your dream career.”

The article added “Adjust your budget – Another measure to take is that you should adapt your lifestyle to reflect your new income so as to be able to pursue your dream career while receiving a low salary. You can come up with a budget and review your expenses to see what to cut back.”