Yes, Change Begins with Us!

Yes, it is indeed undeniable that change truly begins with us. There is a common saying that says a society begets the type of leadership it deserves and that the character and content of leadership in every society is a reflection of the totality of the prevailing socio-economic and political conditions that obtain in that […]

Yes, Change Begins with Us!

Yes, it is indeed undeniable that change truly begins with us. There is a common saying that says a society begets the type of leadership it deserves and that the character and content of leadership in every society is a reflection of the totality of the prevailing socio-economic and political conditions that obtain in that society.  Perhaps, this why the president emphasized that ‘while the government will drive the Change Begins With Me’ campaign, it must be strongly supported by all concerned individually’.
It is instructive to note while citizens enjoy inalienable rights and privileges under the Constitution, they are also saddled with the societal responsibilities of being patriotic, law abiding, honest, hardworking, and loyal-qualities that make them responsible and proud citizens.
From the foregoing, it is therefore apt to ask, are we responsible citizens? Do we obey the laws, do we pay our taxes voluntarily, do we respect others’ views? Why do we have dual code of conduct by being law abiding and observing decorum and ethical behaviour in foreign lands and choose to live the opposite in Nigeria, a country we should be more proud of? In exercising our civic duties of electing our leaders, why do we allow sentiments and the lust for lucre to becloud our sense of judgement? Our leadership recruitment pattern is always skewed in favour of the money bags rather than those who can deliver. When shall we begin to hold our leaders accountable when they failed to meet our expectations? Are we patriotic enough to give our chosen leaders the needed support and encouragement to provide credible and responsible leadership? Whatever happened to our societal norms and values?   The questions are indeed endless!
It is regrettable that in Nigeria of today, the dictum ‘all for one and one for all’ has been jettisoned for self-centeredness- me and myself alone. Nowadays, nobody feels for the other, neighbours no longer exhibit the spirit of good neighbourliness and brothers’ keepers have become brothers’ destroyers. What a pity!
The present Administration’s drive at national transformation through change mantra, it should be understood is anchored on the shaping of  public consciousness towards good ethics, probity and transparency in governance and the entrenchment of same values in the citizenry. It was in this regard that President Buhari charged all Nigerians to pursue the campaign with vigour and ensure its sustenance by taking it to all the nooks and crannies of this country, with the aim of getting the buy in of the old, the young, the rich, the poor irrespective of gender or other social positions.
It is well known that human development in all societies starts with character moulding of the individual. Character building entails a number of processes and stages starting from the family which nurtures the child and brings out his consciousness, the school which instills knowledge and skills in the individual, religious institutions which shape the character of the individual and imbue him with the fear of God, the cultural norms and values which enable him to distinguish between right and wrong and Institutions of the state which regulate human conduct in the society.
Let us therefore all come together and embrace the change mantra by changing our way of doing things so that others can see the change in us before we effect the change in them since change is a two way affair – you must change yourself first, before you begin to see change in others.

Ibrahim Mohammed, Garki, Abuja.