Yewaland holds no space for political carpet crossing

Political power, public offices and the trust of the people generally, can only be given to men with pure desire to push for the greater good of all.

Yewaland holds no space for political carpet crossing
Yewaland holds no space for political carpet crossing

Political power, public offices and the trust of the people generally, can only be given to men with pure desire to push for the greater good of all.

They are not meant to be bequeathed to men who have baptized themselves with the vain and desperate pursuit of power for personal glorification or gratification.

There has been reported moves that a politician is seeking to come back to Yewaland from Lagos to contest for the senatorial seat.

If this is true, then it is a big effrontery on our democratic system some politicians are still chasing after political power in Ogun State.

It beats my imagination how they have made themselves to believe that political power or seat is their birthright.

How do we explain to ourselves and our children that the same man who had served as a member of the house of representative in Lagos on two different occasions and served as a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria using two terms in Lagos still wants to run for a senatorial position in Ogun State?

Our political space must be kept healthy and respected by all its active players irrespective of political differences or affiliation as  this move is nothing but disrespect to the incumbent Senator representing Yewa, Tolu Odebiyi.

It’s important and pertinent to ensure that we do not set bad precedence with this nor create bad blood in the political climate of Yewa. If there’s anything that we should be looking forward to; it should be the coming together as one to advance the course of Yewa.

Yewa is for all of us, and we all must work for the progress of the land.


Akinlade Samuel, writes from Oke Ela Ilaro,Yewa