Yobe youths and dangerous sycophancy

Democracy offers several avenues for engaging the youth population most productively and positively to develop transferable skills towards ensuring that society positively progresses. In doing so, the future is likely to see the youth taking over the affairs of the state and continue to build on the legacies of our parent-leaders. Sycophancy can never be […]

Yobe youths and dangerous sycophancy
Yobe youths and dangerous sycophancy

Democracy offers several avenues for engaging the youth population most productively and positively to develop transferable skills towards ensuring that society positively progresses. In doing so, the future is likely to see the youth taking over the affairs of the state and continue to build on the legacies of our parent-leaders. Sycophancy can never be any good, be it state-sponsored or individually motivated.

In recent times, Yobe and its people have witnessed an unprecedented boom in a shameless display of sycophancy. Sadly, a segment of the society deems this attitude as being sponsored by the state government. This is but a scary development that must be rejected by all, irrespective of which side of the political spectrum one belongs.

The youth in Yobe are known to be actively involved in many national and state-wide social-political organisations. They occupy leadership roles and serve impeccably, but there is a need for a coordinated effort by all of us to stand firm and challenge the prevalent sycophantic boom in the state.

If indeed the present administration is focused on enabling an environment that supports youth self-reliance, then there is a need for it to self-correct. Programs and projects must be put in place to facilitate and support the youth with the necessary skills and capital.

What is prevalent today in Yobe is youth exploitation by senior politicians. This must be discouraged as no reasonable society sets up to damage its future assets for a transient benefit of a few.

Therefore, it is pertinent for the youths to wake up and understand what politics entails and participate actively in it, based on genuinely nurtured positive ideologies. The youth must not be cajoled with the offer of some insignificant positions in the government.

To the people of Yobe, please take this as a clarion call to all the youths to note that sycophancy can never be the answer to our problems. It is a problem itself. Youths must stand up and be involved. Take part in all the political processes, occupy political party leadership roles, contest for elective posts, form government or part of it and run a successful government that works for all.


Kasim Isa Muhammad wrote from Potiskum, Yobe State.