You are destined to excel (Part 1)

Text: Daniel 6:1- end The Bible says you shall be the head and not the tail. God did not create you to be at the bottom. The top places belong to you. You are not designed to be anonymous and unknown. You are gifted to make a great impact. You are destined to excel. You […]

You are destined to excel (Part 1)

Text: Daniel 6:1- end

The Bible says you shall be the head and not the tail. God did not create you to be at the bottom. The top places belong to you. You are not designed to be anonymous and unknown. You are gifted to make a great impact. You are destined to excel. You are wired to be in front and not behind.
God is committed through the Covenant to make you great and to do great things for Him in this life. You are designed to be a world changer and a history maker. You are talented to be a mover and a shaker. You are designed to shine wherever you are. God wants to reveal His glory in you and through you.
Abraham was rich, famous and influential. Daniel was ten times better and wiser than his mates. Esther was preferred by the King and became queen. Joseph was promoted from prison to become no 2 in Egypt. I have received several awards in the past few years – as a distinguished nation builder and foremost leader in Africa. You are a gold fish that has no hiding place. You are moving from the back row to the front row in Jesus name!
Two men were trying unsuccessfully to climb to the top of a tall tower. One had a ladder but did not know where to place it; the other had nothing to climb with. Confidently, a third man approached, grabbed the ladder, placed it on an unlikely part of the wall and started to climb. Surprised, the other two asked him if he was sure he was doing the right thing, he answered “yes, I asked the man who has climbed to the top before”.
Regardless of where you are right now, you can rise to the top. Let me share with you guaranteed ways to get out of the crowded bottom and rise to the top. It’s your chance to stand before kings and not mere men.
Let us look at the life of Daniel the man who has climbed the ladder of success successfully before.
Daniel 6:1-3 “1 It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom; 2 And over these three presidents; of whom Daniel was first: that the princes might give accounts unto them, and the king should have no damage. 3 Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.”

16 Things that took Daniel to the top

1.    Vision. Dream and dream big. Daniel was a man of visions. Joseph was an expert in goal setting. He was a man of big dreams. People without goals chase shadows. A vision is a precise, clearly defined goal with a detailed plan and time-table for achieving that goal. There are three components here: a precise and well-defined goal, a detailed plan and a clear time-table. Until you learn how to set goals, your achievements will be limited. No wonder the Bible says the people perish where there is no vision.
2.    Training. In Daniel chapter 1, we are told Daniel and a few other talented kids were given special training to develop skills required to assist the king. Training converts your talent into skill. Every one of us is talented. But not everyone has developed their talent into skill. Your talent is your natural ability which determines what you are capable of becoming. Your skill is developed talent that makes you relevant. Become a specialist if you want to get to the top. You can never train the ear to see or the eye to hear. It will amount to a huge waste of time! Find out what gifts you have and train yourself hard in that direction. Soon, kings will look for you. Develop skills that even kings will look for you for. Remember, you are not training to stand before ordinary men but before kings. Joseph developed his skill so well that kings looked for him. You cannot go further than your knowledge. Daniel trained to succeed. He prepared to rise to the top. He schooled under the best Babylonian minds to prepare him for the top. Successful people prepare for their opportunity. Success is never an accident. You must do more than fast and pray in tongues if you want to get to the top. You must develop yourself. You must constantly add to yourself and become more valuable. You must train to be the best in your field. The Bible says, a man’s gift brings him before kings. O Lord, help me to make every preparation I need to make in order to be in front.
3.    Covenant mindset. It was his covenant mindset that made him reject the king’s diet. It must have been prepared with certain rituals. Daniel was keenly aware of his superior covenant position and covenant promises. This awareness enabled him to do exploits. You can develop that awareness today by feeding on the word of God. You must reject the ways of the world. Daniel was careful about what he ate. Dan 1:12 “12 “Please test your servants for ten days, and let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink.” You are what you eat. It is not only important to eat the right physical food, it is even more important to eat the right spiritual food in order to grow well and be healthy. Our spiritual food is the Word of God. It is the wisdom of God. It is the foundation of faith. You need to get it into you daily. The day you feed on the word of God may not be day you need it. A friend of mine once said, “What you know makes you known”. You cannot feed on the Word of God continuously and be anonymous. Word poverty leads to physical and financial and material poverty. Father, help me to develop a keen awareness of my superior covenant position to move me to the top.
(To be continued)
Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.  [email protected]
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