You are God’s temple

“Destroy this temple and in three days I will built it up” (John 2: 19). These are the very words of Jesus to the Jews. The consciousness of our bodies as the temple of God is very significant because through it we are able meet and commune with God. But when a temple did not […]

You are God’s temple

“Destroy this temple and in three days I will built it up” (John 2: 19). These are the very words of Jesus to the Jews. The consciousness of our bodies as the temple of God is very significant because through it we are able meet and commune with God. But when a temple did not meet the purpose for which it is built it can be pull down and rebuilt.

A temple is seen as an edifice set aside for the worship of the Divine. It is a dedicated place of reverence where we worship God. Temples are places consecrated for religious activities. They are known to be houses of prayer and most people found there are regarded as men and women, who show their affiliation as friends of God. The temple is the house of God and by this, I mean a place where we can really find God. The temple is known for different spiritual activities like prayer, healing, provision for the less privilege and deliverance among others. The temple is a place of refuge to all who seek help. A typical example of this can be found in Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12, where the angel of the Lord took Ezekiel to show him the mystery of God’s temple. In this scriptural passage we see how water flows from the threshold of the temple on every side, North, South, East and West, and this was bringing transformation to where ever it flows.

And so, the water that flowed towards the eastern region went down into the Arabah; and when it entered the stagnant waters of the sea, the water became fresh.

In Ezekiel 47:9, we see how the water from the temple gives life to whatever it comes in contact with. The sick who run to this fountain would receive healing and anyone who is dead who comes in contact with this special water would receive life. The flowing of the water from the temple is so significant in other to show how powerful the house of God could be. Every dedicated temple possesses extra ordinary power that is capable of transformation. The temple is very significant because it is the dwelling place of God. The temple of God serves as a location for God’s people to experience his presence and forgiveness.

Furthermore, for God’s temple to be kept intact there is need for proper maintenance. The maintenance that is necessary is the one that could retain the presence of God in His house. There are some attitudes that would prevent God’s spirit from resting in His house and such attitudes or behaviours should not be allowed to be practiced as they make God’s Holy Spirit sad and would bring down the wrath of God. A typical example of this could be seen in the Gospel of Luke 19:48, where the practices carried out in the temple were against God’s law. Jesus took it upon himself to drive away all those who have turned God’s house into a market square and business center. He said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:12-14). The people were not happy about the reformation so they ganged up to get him arrested. Many a time as Christians we may be afraid to tell the truth especially when it involves loss of life or we try to sneak away so that our names are not mentioned and by so doing we allow a lot of unlawful practices to take place in the church, offices, temple and other kinds of institutions, all because we do not want to die. Jesus did not bother about saving his life he was seriously concerned about protecting the house of God from destruction.

He was ready to teach us the right thing so that we can also teach others to do the same. Our desire for God should burn seriously in our hearts. This in turn would help us to know and love God as we should. Our love for God is revealed in the way we take the things of God. For instance, some people would go to the church on Sunday late or be making or receiving calls while they are in church. Some people even see it as an opportunity to discuss with their friends while others would decide to sleep. There are lots of distractions here and there in the house of God. Once we are distracted we would also distract others, and lose focus because we are not balanced. Coming to the presence of God should be done in a more perfect way that is becoming of a child of God. Every form of distraction should be put aside so that we can really sit and experience the presence of God. Our zeal for serving God should be genuine not eye service. Those who have turned God’s house into what it is not will not see the face of God or experience Him. All because they have another picture of God registered in their minds. Serving God takes a lot due to the fact that it requires discipline and sacrifices. It would be very hard to serve God in our comfort zone. That is the more reason we have to leave our individual houses and meet in a common place to pray. One of the criteria to be in the house of God is humility. “One who kneels before God will have the courage to stand before kings and princes. To enjoy God’s presence we should be ready to serve without counting the cost.

More often than not, we should develop a strong zeal to be in God’s temple just like the palmist “I rejoice when I heard them say, let us go to God’s house” (Psalm 122: 1). Going to God’s house should be a thing of joy all because in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. (Psalm 16: 11). No other day can be compared with the one we spend at God’s service. He is the living spring that can really quench our thirst. This joy can only be achieved when we align ourselves to the Divine worship. By Divine worship, I mean service with an undistracted heart and mind. Most of the time, when we give God all our attention, He in turn also gives us full service by granting our entire request. Many people claim that they have served God and now they have nothing to show for it. God is not a fool nor is He like man. Whatever He says He will do, He must surely do. God never fails. If you have come to God in prayer and still get no result, try another method by using praise because God always cherish those who praise Him. Praises should not be a thing of routine; it should be something worthwhile that takes the whole being and not a part.

Our bodies as human beings are created in the image and likeness of God and according to St. Paul our bodies are the temple of God. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you? If you or anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him” (Corinthians 3:16-23). St Paul discovered that the way many of us use our bodies is very bad and it is not pleasing to God. We feel that since we are the owner we can do and undo these actions of ours make God very sad, whereby people use their bodies without considering the consequences. Some of us use our bodies as if it were a commodity by using it for business; others think it is a platform for them to advertise various kinds of products. People have now started deciding their genders based on whichever one they prefer. If you are a male and you want to become a female, you are free or on the other hand, if you are a female and you want to become a male it is left for you to decide as well. Many people have done a lot of offensive things to their bodies; some have even decided to be living like animals. Some get married to doll babies. Each and every one of them have their own different reasons for behaving the way they choose but they have forgotten that one day they are going to give account of their lives.

This is the more reason while Saint Paul is calling us to the consciousness of God’s anger on those who misuse their bodies which is God’s temple. Temples are meant to be kept holy and also a place where God dwells, it is our bounding duty to keep God temple pure, holy and tidy.

Sr Margret Ogbebor SSMA is a Catholic Nun, working in the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto. She is the Head Teacher of St Martin de Porres Nursery and Primary School Katsina. [email protected]