You will finish this year well

God has His agenda for the twelfth month of the year. The devil also has his agenda. There are two things about December: The Crowning River Of Goodness and The Power Of Last Laughter. 1. December: The Crowning River of Goodness. Psalm 65:9-13: “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with […]

You will finish this year well
You will finish this year well

God has His agenda for the twelfth month of the year. The devil also has his agenda.

There are two things about December: The Crowning River Of Goodness and The Power Of Last Laughter.

1. December: The Crowning River of Goodness. Psalm 65:9-13: “You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance.” Psalm 65:11  

Psalm 46:4, “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.”

December is Yuletide: A season of thanksgiving and charity. Gifts and givings are commonplace. This is the season in which Santa Claus, Father Christmas (or papa Noel etc.) is going round distributing gifts to children. Our Father is the Father of light who gives every good gift, every perfect gift from above to His own children. God crowns the year with His goodness. 

That is the Father I am taking you to His throne throughout this month to worship, to appreciate, to adore, to glorify and to receive from.

In the agenda of heaven, by this end of year, the twelfth month, you should be celebrating apostolic testimonies in your life. You should be swimming in the rivers of testimonies of His goodness toward you and your family. If that is not your own case, God is about to change your story! 

If your situation since the year began has been like one huge wilderness of failure and frustration. If your expected miracles this year have been blocked and locked up by the powers of darkness. Here is the word of the Lord for you.

God promised to open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of valleys. Isaiah 41:17-18

For some people, their rain of testimonies has been falling since January but they have not experienced a drop of water. It has been all-round wilderness orchestrated by wicked principalities in the heaven above, over their heads. That wilderness was programmed to finish them up with the end of the year. Now hear the word from the mouth of the Lord: “Your rains of testimonies have become so full and now become rivers of My goodness toward you, I WILL OPEN THE RIVERS FROM HIGH PLACES FOR YOU THIS MONTH, YOU SHALL LAUGH LAST!” AMENNNN!

I command rivers of your greatness in high places to flow down now and lift you up, out of the valleys of shame and stagnation, in the Name of Jesus.

2. December: The Power of Last Laughter. Genesis 21:6, “And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.”

God will crown this year with TURN-AROUND LAUGHTER for you: a laughter that would shatter the confidence of your enemies and provoke breakthroughs that cannot be despised for you in Jesus’ Name.

All the heroes of faith laughed last over their enemies. Your laughter this season over all your challenges will not be missing in the palace of your destiny, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Sarah laughed, Abraham laughed, Moses laughed, Joseph laughed, Joshua laughed, David laughed, Daniel laughed, the Apostles laughed, you too will laugh this season. God will laugh your enemies to scorn in Jesus Name.

It is God’s intention and plan for you to finish the year well. He made it a season of good will toward men. It is a season of peace. 

Remember, this is the season of the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When He was born, the angels declared peace on earth and good will toward men. Wise men brought gifts to Him. Position yourself to receive gifts this season. Sow a gift into someone’s life for a harvest of gifts. 

It is a season of wealth transfer. It is a season of abundance for the people of God.

He crowns your year with His goodness and abundance. Whatever goodness or blessing you enjoyed from the Lord during the year, He plans to top it for you.

Weariness comes from long battles. Hopes tend to be dashed when the year is coming to an end. It might seem the battle is lost. But there will be one more twist in your favour! You must not give up. To finish strong, you must stand strong.

What To Do

It is not what happens around you that matters but what happens within you. You can only finish well if you are stronger within.

1. Believe you will finish well. Expect to finish well. Expectation is proof of your faith. Expectation creates a powerful current that pulls things into your life. Believe that the promises of God will be fulfilled in your life. Miracles happen only to those who believe and expect them. 

2. Talk expectations, not experiences. You shall have whatsoever you say. 

3. Start planning to succeed in the coming year. Write down your goals and what you want to see happen. Write down the changes you want to make. Write down a plan for achieving whatever goals you have chosen. This begins to focus your energy and creates a current of expectation and excitement. Most people will arrive at the New Year confused except those who have definite goals and plans. 

4. Persevere. Never let go of your dream and your hope. A lot can happen within a few hours. It’s not over yet. Hold on to your faith.

5. Stay close to the Holy Spirit. Pray a lot in tongues. Listen for instructions. You are one instruction away from your breakthrough. One instruction can save your life. You are anointed to see, hear and understand. Say that to yourself over and over again. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and not your emotions. 

6. Make wise choices. For example, ask yourself, ‘must I travel?’ ‘Do I have the resources?’ ‘How does it fit into my master plan?’ ‘If I must travel, should I travel with my car that is not strong?’

7. Spend wisely and sensibly. Many people will be broke at the beginning of the year because they were not wise in their spending towards the end of the year. They got carried away with excitement and spent everything they had on things they did not need and on people who made demands on them.  

8. Give thanks to God for your life; He will preserve it for you. Praise unlocks the door to His presence and blessings. Appreciate God for all that He has done for you and He will do more. A reasonable thanksgiving seed can save your life.  

9. Don’t stop paying your tithe or sowing seeds; your future depends on it.

10. Find out what is not working and change it. Find out what is working and strengthen it. Unless you are ready and willing to make changes, you are not likely to have better results.

11. Start praying for your goals and your plans for the coming year and beyond.

12. End the year with God and transition into the New Year with God. 

You will finish well. You will finish strong. You will finish this year strong and healthy. You will not be a victim of accidents. You will not mourn. You will not lack. You will not lack. God will preserve you and your loved one. Every weapon of the enemy sent against you will return to sender in Jesus Name!

Instead of seasonal destruction, you will experience the season’s blessings, peace and joy in Jesus Name. I call forth into your life everything you need to meet all your needs in Jesus name! This year will not see your end; you will see the ends of many more years in Jesus Name!!!

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.